Appendix 1: Terms and definitions - Ngā Kupu me ngā Tautuhinga


The Construction sector includes above-ground commercial and residential building and civil construction such as hospitals, schools, prisons, parks, libraries, and community buildings. It covers a wide range of businesses and occupations across the sector


Development West Coast


Seasonally adjusted, number of people in employment in the working-age population.


30 hours per week or more.


Here this refers to our economic infrastructure – our energy, telecommunications, transport, waste and water infrastructure. See p.20 of the New Zealand Infrastructure Strategy.

Labour force participation rate

Seasonally adjusted, total labour force/working age (15+years) population.


Ministry of Social Development


People aged 15-24 years not in employment, education, or training (includes those caring for children or others).

Skilled occupation rate

Number of people employed in a skilled occupation (ANZSCO level 1-3)/ total number of employed people. These estimates are prepared using 2013 Census data and are not comparable to previously published estimates.


Te Puni Kōkiri - Ministry of Māori Development


People working part-time (someone who works fewer than 30 hours per week), who would like to work more hours, and are available to do so.


Includes people who:

  • do not have a job, but are available to work and are actively seeking employment – unemployed

  • are employed part-time (fewer than 30 hours a week) and who both want and are available to increase the number of hours they work – underemployed

  • want a job and are available to work, but are not currently looking for a job – available potential jobseeker

  • aree unavailable to start work but are looking for a job as they will be able to start work within the next month – unavailable jobseeker.


Some who has no paid job, is working age, is available for work, and has looked for work in the past 4 weeks or has a new job to start within the next 4 weeks.