Release of information

We release a wide range of information to help and inform you.

This includes Cabinet papers and minutes, responses to requests under the Official Information Act 1982, and lists of Ministerial documents.

In this section

Cabinet papers and minutes

Decisions by Ministers are documented in Cabinet papers. We release these papers and their minutes.

Lists of Ministerial documents by portfolio

Some Government Ministers are proactively releasing the titles of documents they receive from MBIE on a monthly basis. Note that these lists do not include briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests the Minister receives.

Independent review into the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

An independent review into the AEWV was announced by the Minister of Immigration in August 2023.

Central Government agencies’ invoice payment times

Central Government agencies are committed to paying 95% of domestic invoices within 10 working days.

State Services Commission Inquiry into the use of external security consultants

In March 2018 the State Services Commissioner appointed Doug Martin to conduct an inquiry into the use of external security consultants by Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited and MBIE.

Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques on 15 March 2019

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attacks on Christchurch mosques published its report on 8 December 2020.

MBIE departmental change processes

We are publishing proposal and decision documents for MBIE departmental changes dated from August 2023 onwards.

Energy portfolio weekly reports

MBIE provides a weekly report to the Minister for Energy, here you can find our weekly reports from April 2024 onwards. We release these reports on a monthly basis