Agencies, policies and budget initiatives
An insight into budget initiatives, research organisations, the Vision Matauranga Capability Fund Policy and the Science Board.
In this section
Budget initiatives
Information on Budget announcements for science and innovation-related funding.
Research organisations
Organisations, industry bodies and companies, not owned by the Government, funding or carrying out research.
Our Science Board
Our Science Board is the statutory body responsible for making independent investment decisions for the Endeavour Fund, National Science Challenges and Partnerships.
Workforce Initiatives
Our people are the greatest asset in meeting the challenges of the future. MBIE aims to deliver better support and more opportunities for the research, science and innovation workforce.
Gene technology regulation
New Zealand’s gene technology rules are being updated to match scientific and technology advancements.
Vision Mātauranga
Unlocking the science and innovation potential of Māori knowledge, people and resources that will benefit New Zealand.
Diversity in science
Capturing the very best ideas and talent to support the highest quality research.
Other publications
MBIE commissions and writes reports about the science system.
Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research policy
To increase the impact and the innovation potential of our public investment in research, our Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera | Open Research policy enables free online access for everyone to MBIE funded peer-reviewed research publications.
Science System Advisory Group
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has convened a group of experts to provide advice on strengthening the science, innovation and technology system, including the challenges and aspirations of the sector, and opportunities for growth.