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Science and innovation
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Callaghan Innovation
Agencies, policies and budget initiatives
- Refocusing the science, innovation and technology system
- Budget initiatives
- Research organisations
- Our Science Board
- Workforce Initiatives
- Gene technology regulation
- Vision Mātauranga
- Diversity In MBIE Science Investments
- Other publications
- Kaupapahere Rangahau Tuwhera - Open Research policy
- Science System Advisory Group
Callaghan Innovation
Callaghan Innovation is one of the Government’s key priorities to build a stronger, more competitive economy.
On this page
Callaghan Innovation is named after the late Sir Paul Callaghan, who championed the role science could play in making New Zealand an economic success. It was a major recommendation of the independent Powering Innovation report, which looked at how to boost the growth of businesses in the manufacturing and services sector.
Powering Innovation report [PDF, 1.4 MB]
Callaghan Innovation is a catalyst for the commercialisation of science, engineering, technology and design. It serves complex needs of industry, government and research to benefit clients, partners, and New Zealand’s economy and society.
Callaghan Innovation has objectives to accelerate the growth, scale, intensity, and success of innovation in New Zealand, and to build the appetite among firms to invest in R&D and support export growth.
Visit the Callaghan Innovation website(external link) for more information.