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- Support for business
- Financial markets conduct regulation
- Competition regulation and policy
Regulating entities
- Du Val statutory management
- Companies Act reforms
- Incorporated Societies Act 2022
- Our work with the PCO
- Financial Reporting Act 2013
- Insolvency Review Working Group
- Supporting the integrity of the corporate governance system
- Changes to the Takeovers Code
- Historic reform of corporate law
- Mandatory climate-related disclosures
- The Business Payment Practices Act 2023 has been repealed
- Standards and conformance
- Trade and tariffs
Intellectual property
- Copyright
- Haka Ka Mate Attribution Act guidelines
- Designs
- Geographical indications
- Plant variety rights
- Integrated circuit design protection
- Intellectual property enforcement
- Mātauranga and Taonga Māori and the Intellectual Property System
- Disclosure of origin requirements in the patents regime
- Proposed Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill
- The Trans-Tasman patent attorney registration regime
Trade and tariffs
We hold responsibilities relating to trade, including technical barriers to trade, import tariffs, trade remedies, competition, intellectual property and government procurement.
This work makes it easier for New Zealand exporters to trade with other countries, maintains fair market competition, and ensures that products imported into New Zealand are safe.
On this page
In this section
Tariffs in New Zealand
This page provides information on tariffs in New Zealand including tariff concessions, tariff reviews and the harmonised system nomenclature.
Trade barriers
This page provides information about trade barriers and how they arise and where to go for help with trade barriers that are making it difficult to export to a particular market.
Trade agreements and partnerships
Trade agreements and closer economic partnerships are an important part of New Zealand's international trade policy.
- Closer Economic Relations with Australia and the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement
- Import and export restriction agreements
- Conformity assessment mutual recognition arrangements
- Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Supply Chain Agreement
- Trade remedies under trade agreements
Trade remedies
New Zealand has 3 types of trade remedy action to deal with dumped or subsidised imported goods that could injure New Zealand manufacturers.
OECD guidelines
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) produces voluntary guidelines and recommendations on responsible, sustainable multi-national business conduct.