Labour market reports, data and analysis

This section provides labour market analysis and forecasting, data on jobs and skills, and reports on Māori and Pacific Peoples labour market participation and other research.

In this section

Jobs Online

Jobs Online is a regular data series that measures changes in online job advertisements from four internet job boards – Seek, Trade Me Jobs, Education Gazette and Kiwi Health Jobs.

Other tools and reports

The New Zealand Labour Market Dashboard displays labour market information from many different sources in one place.

Please note: the dashboard is no longer being updated. The Regional Economic Activity web tool is an alternative source of labour market data.

Labour Market Statistics Snapshot

The Labour Market Statistics Snapshots are a quarterly update of labour market statistics, and provide an overview of the current state of the labour market.

Preparing all young people for satisfying and rewarding working lives Long-Term Insights Briefing

4 government agencies have released a Long-term Insights Briefing about preparing all young people for satisfying and rewarding working lives. A summary of the briefing is also available.