Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques on 15 March 2019
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attacks on Christchurch mosques published its report on 8 December 2020.
On this page
MBIE is proactively releasing a set of documents provided to the Royal Commission of Inquiry. These documents are those that are unclassified and may provide context to matters referred to in the Commission’s report. They are also documents that will not breach Minute 4 of the Commission’s orders. These documents may contain redactions for privacy, national security, legal or other reasons.
Released April 2021
Welcoming communities pilot programme - Final evaluation summary report July 2017-June 2019 (Martin Jenkins) [PDF 256KB]
Welcoming communities New Zealand programme - Key messages Updated [PDF 287KB]
New Zealand migrant settlement and integration strategy: Outcome indicators – Dashboard report 2018 [PDF 346KB]
New Zealand Refugee Resettlement Strategy: Success indicators and measures outcomes update for 2017/18 [PDF 1015KB]
Accessing government settlement funding – presentation [PDF 1.1MB]
Putting out the welcome mat - A resource for developing your welcoming plan - January 2018 [PDF 2.4MB]
Released February 2021
Electronic Travel Authority information [PDF 886KB]
Electronic Travel Authority: next steps for policy decisions and regulations [PDF 6MB]
Electronic Travel Authority: further policy decisions 1 [PDF 277KB]
Proposal to develop an Electronic Travel Authority [PDF 6.4MB]
Proposal to develop and Electronic Travel Authority - Minute of Decision [PDF 177KB]