
The Minister for Energy is proactively releasing the titles of documents received from MBIE.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.

Titles of briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

May 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-2943 Auckland Airport jet fuel resilience* 2 May MBIE
2324-3061 Further advice on the draft Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations 3 May MBIE
2324-3168 2024.05.06 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA Security of Supply A3) 3 May MBIE
2324-3203 Fuel security study: Update on development of Request for Proposals* 3 May MBIE
2324-3207 2024.05.06 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* 3 May MBIE
2324-3200 Meeting with bp – Monday 6 May 2024* 3 May MBIE
2324-3204 Meeting with Z Energy – Tuesday 7 May 2024* 3 May MBIE
2324-2609 Energy Trusts of New Zealand national conference 6 May MBIE
2324-2922 Meeting with Roger Sutton, DETA Consulting 7 May MBIE
2324-2976 Meeting with Bluefloat and Elemental Group 7 May MBIE
2324-3026 Meeting with NZ Wind Energy Association Chair and CEO 7 May MBIE
2324-3324 Establishing a Gas Security Response Group 7 May MBIE
2324-3013 Decisions on reserve diesel and wider fuel resilience work: Draft cabinet paper 8 May MBIE
2324-3348 Draft speech Reducing Energy Hardship Conference 20/21 May 2024 8 May MBIE
n/a Gas Security Response Group: Ministerial Statement 8 May MBIE
2324-3104 Meeting with Electric Kiwi 9 May MBIE
2324-3120 Meeting with Andy Lester CEO, MainPower New Zealand 9 May MBIE
2324-3256 ERP2 – Updated energy content for consultation 9 May MBIE
2324-3272 Meeting with Clarus – Tuesday 14 May 2024 9 May MBIE
2324-3369 Transpower management of tight supply 9 May MBIE
2324-2521 Application for electricity operator and gas operator status: Genesis Electricity Limited 10 May MBIE
2324-3169 2024.05.13 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 10 May MBIE
2324-3294 Meeting with Gull CEO 13 May MBIE
2324-3405 CCUS Discussion Document Outline 13 May MBIE
2324-3254 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority draft Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024/25 and draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 15 May MBIE
2324-3261 Electricity Authority draft Statement of Performance Expectations for 2024/25 and draft Statement of Intent 2024-2028 15 May MBIE
n/a Competition in wholesale and retail electricity markets, MBIE Energy branch – a framework for our policy analysis for discussion with Minister Brown 15 May MBIE
2324-3386 Meeting with Mitsui (for information - Minister for Resources meeting) 15 May MBIE
2324-2597 Meeting with SolarZero and Aurora Energy 16 May MBIE
2324-3209 Meeting with Security and Reliability Council 16 May MBIE
2324-3365 Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles – April 2024 16 May MBIE
2324-3441 Energy resources Taranaki forum address 16 May MBIE
2324-3444 CPD Bill First Reading – Communications Package 16 May MBIE
2324-3460 Timeline for implementation – Agreed amendments to Hazards from Trees Regulations 16 May MBIE
2324-3385 Climate Prioritiies Ministerial Group – May 2024 17 May MBIE
2324-3410 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 17 May MBIE
2324-3433 Background information for RM Reform Ministers Meeting 17 May MBIE
2324-3170 2024.05.20 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio 17 May MBIE
2324-3392 2024.05.20 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* 17 May MBIE
2324-3507 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 20 May MBIE
2324-3512 ERP2 – Updated energy chapter outline 20 May MBIE
2324-3395 Offshore renewable energy – decommissioning requirements 21 May MBIE
2324-3508 Fuel resilience Cabinet paper – updated paper and supporting materials 21 May MBIE
2324-3513 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 May MBIE
2324-3565 Offshore regulatory regime - Timeline 22 May MBIE
2324-3379 Estimates Examination 2024/25 – Proposed Responses to SEQs Vote Energy and Auckland portfolios 22 May MBIE
2324-3582 Meeting with PEC Ltd 24 May 2024 23 May MBIE
2324-3558 Fuel resilience Cabinet paper* 23 May MBIE
2324-3171 2024.05.27 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 24 May MBIE
2324-3349 Hydrogen Roadmap – proposed content and next steps 24 May MBIE
2324-3481 Communications on the Regional Hydrogen Transition scheme 24 May MBIE
n/a Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 May MBIE
2324-3555 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 May MBIE
2324-3626 Talking points for Gas Security Response Group report back 27 May MBIE
2324-3588 Offshore renewable energy regulatory regime - Timelines for developing and implementing regime 27 May MBIE
2324-3528 Meeting with BusinessNZ Energy Council – Wednesday 29 May 2024* 27 May MBIE
2324-3536 ERP2 – Revised energy chapter for consultation 28 May MBIE
2324-3588 Offshore Renewable Energy Regulatory Regime – Timelines for developing and implementing regime 28 May MBIE
2324-3627 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 May MBIE
2324-3306 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 29 May MBIE
2324-3653 Fast-Track Approvals Bill: Ministerial meeting 29 May 2024 29 May MBIE
2324-3476 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 29 May MBIE
2324-3625 Ministerial consultation on ‘Endorsing the Sector and Government Energy Transition Framework’ 29 May MBIE
2324-3669 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 29 May MBIE
2324-3430 Meeting with Paul Coster, EVA Marketplace 30 May MBIE
n/a Information on the NZ Aluminium Smelter 30 May MBIE
2324-3464 Meeting with Mitsui 30 May MBIE
2324-3599 Meeting with Methanex on 4 June 2024 30 May MBIE
2324-3659 Estimates Examination 2023-24 – Proposed Responses SWQs 1-113 Auckland and Energy portfolios 30 May MBIE
2324-3652 NZ Steel, cogeneration, and industrial allocation 30 May MBIE
2324-3680 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 30 May MBIE
2324-3549 2024.06.04 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (including EECA fortnightly & EA security of Supply A3) 31 May MBIE
2324-3635 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 31 May MBIE
2324-3591 2024.06.04 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy* 31 May MBIE

*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy

April 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-2799 Visit to Marsden Point* 2 April MBIE
n/a Slides for discussion – Electricity affordability – Why prices are rising and levers to mitigate the impacts on bills 2 April MBIE
2324-2762 Introductory Meeting Between Minister Brown and EU Ambassador Lawrence Meredith 3 April MBIE
2324-2822 Meeting with Helios 3 April MBIE
2324-1972 Application for electricity operator status: Maungaturoto Solar Farm Project LP 4 April MBIE
2324-2713 2024.04.08 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA security of supply update) 5 April MBIE
2324-2581 Minister for Energy meeting with Utilities Disputes Limited 9 April MBIE
2324-2686 Further amendments to the Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 10 April MBIE
2324-2715 2024.04.15 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) 12 April MBIE
2324-2591 Meeting with the Commerce Commission 15 April MBIE
2324-2845 Meeting with Jarden, ACC and Harbour Asset Management 15 April MBIE
2324-2928 Meeting with Methanex 15 April MBIE
n/a A3 - Ensuring Security of Supply – Possible actions (tabled during Officials meeting with Minister) 15 April MBIE
2324-2606 Gas Industry Company Statement of Intent and Levy Recommendation 2024/25 16 April MBIE
2324-2979 Meetings with the Gentailers 16 April MBIE
2324-2578 Title withheld: Confidential advice to government 17 April MBIE
2324-3041 Commerce Act mergers regime 17 April MBIE
2324-2981 Proactive Release of Energy Paper titles – March 2024 17 April MBIE
2324-2045 2023/24 Supplementary and 2024/25 Main Estimates – Vote BSI- Energy 18 April MBIE
2324-2180 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 18 April MBIE
2324-0741 Offshore renewable energy – Interaction with environmental consents 18 April MBIE
2324-2949 2024.04.22 Fortnightly Report – Associate Energy Portfolio* 19 April MBIE
2324-2735 Meeting with Hiringa Energy and attendance at hydrogen refuelling station opening 19 April MBIE
2324-3056 Meeting with the Gas Industry Company on 23 April 2024 19 April MBIE
2324-2717 2024.04.22 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EECA fortnightly report & EA security of supply update) 19 April MBIE
2324-3038 Dinner with Channel Infrastructure NZ Board 22 April MBIE
2324-2761 Electricity Networks Aotearoa (ENA) and Electricity Retailers’ Association of New Zealand (ERANZ) Networking Event 24 April MBIE
2324-2818 Proposed scope for the mid-point review of the phase-out of the Low Fixed Charge regulations 24 April MBIE
2324-3080 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 24 April MBIE
2324-2977 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 24 April MBIE
2324-3090 Commerce Commission’s WACC methodology 26 April MBIE
2324-2716 2024.04.29 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) 26 April MBIE
2324-3124 Minister for Energy meeting with Jonathan Young (Ara Ake) 29 April MBIE

*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy

March 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-2096 Offshore renewable energy: regime design and next steps for Cabinet decisions 1 March MBIE
2324-2215 Aide Memoire Kiwi Solar Farms 1 March MBIE
2324-2264 2024.03.04 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) 1 March MBIE
2324-2339 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 1 March MBIE
2324-2421 ETS Ministers Meeting – 6 March 2024 5 March MBIE
2324-2265 2024.03.11 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EECA fortnightly report) 8 March MBIE
2324-2387 Electricity Authority decision to investigate a possible undesirable trading situation (UTS) relating to 9 August 2021 following the recent High Court decision 8 March MBIE
2324-2448 Proactive release of Cabinet paper Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024 8 March MBIE
2324-2516 Electricity Authority’s 2024/25 Levy Funding 11 March MBIE
2324-2236 Meeting with Mitsui 12 March MBIE
2324-2268 Meeting with Gareth Cartwright from Community Energy Network 12 March MBIE
2324-2278 Minster for Energy and Transport Meeting with Fonterra 12 March MBIE
2324-2460 Meeting with ExxonMobil Thursday, 14 March 2024 12 March MBIE
2324-2467 Meeting with Paul Coster, EVA – March 2024 12 March MBIE
2223-3808 Regulatory Systems Amendment Bill No.3- Electricity Act 1992 and Gas Act 1992 Amendments 12 March MBIE
2324-2549 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 March MBIE
2324-2546 Taranaki Offshore Renewable Energy Forum 14 March MBIE
2324-2239 Meeting with Iwi on Offshore Renewables 15 March MBIE
2324-2245 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 March MBIE
2324-2266 2024.03.18 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) 15 March MBIE
2324-2513 Offshore renewables – Alignment with the Fast Track Approvals Bill 15 March MBIE
2324-2377 Meeting with Transpower CE and Management 18 March MBIE
2324-2463 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 19 March MBIE
2324-2385 Fuel Security Study and Plan: Scope and timeframes 20 March MBIE
2324-2424 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 20 March MBIE
2324-2558 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 March MBIE
2324-2616 Meeting with Mobil Monday, 25 March 2024* 21 March MBIE
2324-2313 Emissions Reduction Plan 2 – Energy content for consultation 22 March MBIE
2324-2267 2024.03.25 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EECA fortnightly report) 22 March MBIE
2324-2393 Approval for PCO to draft the Gas (Levy of Industry Participants) Regulations 2024 22 March MBIE
2324-2683 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 22 March MBIE
2324-2587 Meeting with Contact Energy Chief Executive* 22 March MBIE
2324-2653 Advice on fuel security issues raised in Ministerial correspondence* 22 March MBIE
2324-2611 Next steps for reserve diesel 25 March MBIE
2324-2349 Submissions on draft Fuel Industry (Fuel Resilience) Amendment Regulations and next steps 26 March MBIE
2324-2534 Meeting with Major Gas User Group, 28 March 2024 26 March MBIE
2324-1976 Next steps for the carbon capture, utilisation and storage workstream 27 March MBIE
2324-2290 Six-monthly Performance Report to Ministers, July-December 2023: Energy Portfolio 27 March MBIE
2324-2576 Meeting with Flick Electric CEO and Regulatory Advisor 27 March MBIE
2324-2604 Speak: Electricity CEO Forum* 27 March MBIE
2324-2363 Meeting with Energy Networks Aotearoa CEO and Deputy Chair 28 March MBIE
2324-2428 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 March MBIE
2324-2575 Further advice on renewable export value capture 28 March MBIE
2324-2714 2024.04.02 Weekly Report - Energy Portfolio (includes EA security of supply update and EA fortnightly report) 28 March MBIE

*Documents sent to the Associate Minister for Energy

February 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-1585 Whether to proceed with an Energy Emissions Reporting Scheme  1 February MBIE
2324-1868 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government  2 February MBIE
2324-1541 Offshore renewable energy: Timing and design of permitting regime  2 February MBIE
2324-1746 Approval to present documents to the House 2 February MBIE
2324-1766 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government  2 February MBIE
2324-1775 2024.02.05 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio  2 February MBIE
2324-1832 Proposed gas work programme  2 February MBIE
2324-1800 Fast Track Consenting – Decisions for delegated Ministers, Briefing one  5 February MBIE
2324-1901 Meeting with Parkwind – 8 February 2024  5 February MBIE
2324-1536 2024/25 Letter of Expectations for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority  7 February MBIE
2324-1547 EV Smart Charging and Modernising the Energy Efficiency Regulatory Regime  7 February MBIE
2324-1903 Meeting with OJI Fibre Solutions 7 February MBIE
2324-1595 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government  8 February MBIE
2324-1636 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government  9 February MBIE
2324-1731 Hydrogen  9 February MBIE
2324-1776 2024.02.12 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio  9 February MBIE
2324-1826 Meeting with ENA Board  9 February MBIE
2324-1922 Meeting with Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)  9 February MBIE
2324-1951 Funding grant for Rakiura Stewart Island renewable electricity generation feasibility study  9 February MBIE
2324-1918 Meeting with NZ Steel  9 February MBIE
2324-1981 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 12 February MBIE
2324-1621 Joint Ministers Breakfast with Energy Resources Aotearoa–15 February 2024 12 February MBIE
2324-2028 Meeting with Major Electricity Users’ Group – February 2024  13 February MBIE
2324-2019 Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024 – Talking points for Cabinet Legislation Committee and material to make amendments and publish decision 13 February MBIE
2324-1940 Meeting with Mobil – 15 February 2024  13 February MBIE
2324-1669 Levy funded appropriation requests – Electricity Authority and the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 14 February MBIE
2324-2098 Fast track consenting bill – Policy decisions Tranche 2A  14 February MBIE
2324-0975 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 February MBIE
2324-1716 Household electricity costs and expected drivers of near-term prices increases 15 February MBIE
2324-1792 Implementation of the Electrify NZ work programme 15 February MBIE
2324-1977 Policy decisions on the NPS-REG and NPS-ET 15 February MBIE
2324-1978 BusinessNZ Energy Council breakfast 15 February MBIE
2324-1979 BusinessNZ Corporate Affairs Conference 15 February MBIE
2324-2102 Advice on SEEC and CREF funding contracts 15 February MBIE
2324-2085 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 February MBIE
2324-1777 2024.02.19 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 16 February MBIE
2324-2131 Gas Governance (Critical Contingency Management) Amendment Regulations 2024: Final gazette notice for your approval 16 February MBIE
2324-2058 Meeting with Manawa Energy 20 February MBIE
2324-2079 Meeting with Stephen Batstone from FlexForum 20 February MBIE
2324-2181 Meeting with Ocean Flyer and Hon Paula Bennett 20 February MBIE
2324-1882 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 February MBIE
2324-2203 Further information on legislation bids 22 February MBIE
2324-1763 Bilateral meeting with the Minister of Climate Change 23 February MBIE
2324-1778 2024.02.26 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 23 February MBIE
2324-2110 Information on Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) 23 February MBIE
2324-2142 Information to Support Update to Cabinet on Closure of the Lake Onslow Project 24 February MBIE
2324-2284 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 February MBIE
2324-1946 Introductory meeting with OMV – 29 February 2024  27 February MBIE
2324-2257 Fast track consenting bill – Inclusion of listed projects 27 February MBIE
2324-2071 Downstream energy sector conference 29 February MBIE

January 2024

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-1400 Electricity Operator status application: LET Capital Number 3 Limited partnership 8 January MBIE
2324-0983 Electricity Operator status application: Halo Networks Limited 8 January MBIE
n/a Security of supply A3 link between gas and electricity 11 January MBIE
n/a Note to support Minister Brown's meeting with Neal Barclay, Meridian CEO 11 January MBIE
n/a Note to support Minister Brown's meeting with NZ Super Fund 11 January MBIE
n/a Minister for Energy – Work programme table 11 January MBIE
2324-1500 2024.01.15 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 12 January MBIE
2324-1567 Further information on industrial allocation 15 January MBIE
n/a Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 January MBIE
2324-1059 The role of energy in the second Emissions Reduction Plan 18 January MBIE
2324-1067 Hard-to-Electrify activities 18 January MBIE
2324-1433 Proactive Release of the Briefing to the Incoming Minister for the Energy Portfolio 18 January MBIE
2324-1501 2024.01.22 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 19 January MBIE
2324-1561 Visit to New Plymouth on 24 January 2024  19 January MBIE
2324-1612 Minister for Energy meeting with Vector 23 January MBIE
2324-1613 Advice on winter 2024 and an overview of the security and reliability work programme across electricity and gas 24 January MBIE
2324-1656 Meeting with Parkwind 26 Jan 2024 24 January MBIE
2324-1662 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 25 January MBIE
2324-1502 2024.01.29 Weekly Report – Energy Portfolio 26 January MBIE
2324-1725 Meeting with Z Energy 30 January MBIE
2324-1713 Meeting with BP New Zealand executives Thursday, 1 February 2024  30 January MBIE
2324-1717 Meeting on the Energy Sector and Government Framework 30 January MBIE
2324-1749 Government Procurement and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) 30 January MBIE
2324-1753 Information on the Ara Ake Multiple Trading Relationship Pilot 30 January MBIE
2324-1771 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 30 January MBIE
2324-1720 Meeting with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority 30 January MBIE
2324-1535 2024/25 Letter of Expectations for the Electricity Authority 31 January MBIE
2324-1700 Meeting with Electricity Authority and Gas Industry Company on Security of Supply 31 January MBIE

Previous years

In this section

Energy – 2023

Titles of documents the Minister for Energy received from MBIE in 2023.

Last updated: 19 July 2024