Commerce and Consumer Affairs – 2023

Titles of documents the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs received from MBIE in 2023.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list. The Minister also receives regular status reports from their agencies that are not included in this list.

Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

December 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-1119 MFAT briefing on final policy decisions on NZ-EU Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill 1 December MBIE
2324-1164 Introduction to New Zealand Claims Resolution Service (NZCRS) 6 December MBIE
2324-0884 Commerce and Consumer Affairs – Appointments to Crown entities 7 December MBIE
2324-0994 Member's Bill Fair Trading (Gift Card Expiry (Amendment Bill) 7 December MBIE
2324-0995 Finance and Expenditure Committee briefing on banks’ processes and consumer protections for scams: Initial advice on Government response 7 December MBIE
2324-1032 Response to the Finance and Expenditure Committee report on the future nature, impact, and risks of cryptocurrencies 8 December MBIE
2324-1196 Ongoing business-as-usual workstreams in the Commerce and Consumer Affairs portfolio 11 December MBIE
2324-1286 Commerce and Consumer Affairs portfolio draft work programme 11 December MBIE
2324-1163 MBIE NZCRS – Monthly Dashboard for Minister – November 2023 13 December MBIE
2324-1249 Addressing issues with consumer credit legislation: proposals for Cabinet 14 December MBIE
2324-1118 Conduct of financial institutions – Proposed reforms 15 December MBIE
2324-1328 De-jointing of Australia/New Zealand (AS/NZS) standards 15 December MBIE
2324-1393 Combatting illegal ‘phoenixing’ and modernising the Companies Act 1993 15 December MBIE
2324-1395 Progressing the Select Committee Inquiry on banking competition 18 December MBIE
2324-1399 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 18 December MBIE
2324-1408 Options for improving competition in the grocery sector 18 December MBIE
2324-1409 Illegal Phoenixing One Pager and Report 18 December MBIE
2324-1378 Replacement economic regulation for water services 19 December MBIE
2324-1385 Meeting with the Financial Services Federation at 3.30pm on Wednesday 20 December 2023 19 December MBIE
2324-1025 Appointments in 2024 20 December MBIE
2324-1052 Government responses to the Finance and Expenditure Committee inquiries into cryptocurrencies and banks 20 December MBIE

October 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-0709 Proactive release of Cabinet paper Incorporated Societies Regulations 2023 5 October MBIE
2324-0782 November 2023 Madrid Working Group Meeting 5 October MBIE
2324-0830 MBIE NZCRS – Monthly Dashboard for Minister – September 2023 6 October MBIE
2324-0770 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 20 October MBIE
2324-0841 Q1 23-24, MBIE Operational Dashboard for the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Portfolio 25 October MBIE

September 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-0433 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 12 September MBIE
2324-0598 Cabinet Paper: Climate-related Disclosures Filing Fee and FMA Levy 14 September MBIE
2324-0723 CCCFA review: Approach and potential terms of reference 15 September MBIE
2324-0726 Summary of submissions - targeted consultation on Insurance Contract Bill 19 September MBIE
2324-0576 Summary of submissions on the Customer and Product Data Bill 21 September MBIE
2324-0757 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 September MBIE
2324-0826 Grocery industry dispute resolution scheme: advice on applications received to provide an approved scheme 29 September MBIE

August 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2324-0186 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 1 August MBIE
2324-0334 Proactive Release Cabinet Paper - Review of Anti-Competitive Land Agreements Release of Discussion Document 2 August MBIE
2324-0256 Financial Markets Conduct (Climate-related Disclosures) Amendment Regulations 2023 3 August MBIE
2223-4212 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 4 August MBIE
2324-0359 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 August MBIE
2324-0403 Speaking at the Financial Services Council NZ Building Consumer Confidence Conference & Awards Dinner 9 August MBIE
2324-0168 Government response to Regulations Review Committee report on Consumer Information Standard (Origin of Food) Regulations 2021 10 August MBIE
2324-0436 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 August MBIE
2324-0388 Speech for CLPINZ annual workshop dinner, at 7pm on 18 August 2023 11 August MBIE
2324-0218 Committee of the whole House material – Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill 15 August MBIE
2324-0430 Meeting with Grey Power Federation 16 August MBIE
2324-0537 Meeting with Consumer NZ - 23 August 2023 21 August MBIE
2324-0435 Meeting with ANZ Antonia Watson CEO, Michael Bullock CIO, and tech execs on financial crimes 22 August MBIE
2324-0171 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 August MBIE
2324-0582 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 August MBIE
2324-0613 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 August MBIE
2324-0584 Amendment to Notices of Appointment for Commerce Commission 31 August MBIE

July 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-4345 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 3 July MBIE
2223-4399 MBIE NZCRS – Monthly Dashboard for Minister – June 2023 4 July MBIE
2223-4428 Draft Cabinet paper – Consumer Information Standards (Unit Pricing for Grocery Products) Regulations 2023 4 July MBIE
2223-4424 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 6 July MBIE
2223-0297 Developing a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 7 July MBIE
2324-0059 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 July MBIE
2223-4284 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 11 July MBIE
2223-4368 Proactive release: Guidelines for Dealing with Inside Information about Public Issuers: Amendment to Cabinet Office Circular CO (12) 7 11 July MBIE
2324-0094 Estimates Examination 2023/24 – Proposed Responses to Post Hearing Questions 209-221 Vote Business, Science and Innovation – Commerce and Consumer Affairs 12 July MBIE
2223-3778 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 July MBIE
2324-0170 Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ) – Speaking notes 13 July MBIE
2223-4427 Meeting with Air NZ 17 July MBIE
2223-0110 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 17 July MBIE
2324-0178 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 18 July MBIE
2324-0051 Event Briefing Meeting with Sir Stephen Tindall on Thursday 20 July 18 July MBIE
2223-3872 Meeting – The Salvation Army 19 July MBIE
2223-4467 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 19 July MBIE
2223-4400 Publishing of Oral Cabinet Item – Commerce and Consumer Affairs 20 July MBIE
2223-4219 Insurance and Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme requested rule changes 21 July MBIE
2324-0109 Update on engagement on CPD Bill 21 July MBIE
2324-0167 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Arrangement: Gazettal of Northern Territory and Tasmania Permanent Exemption Regulations 25 July MBIE
2223-0274 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 25 July MBIE
2324-0230 Event Briefing: IANZ Meeting 25 July MBIE
2324-0053 Meeting with Community Law Centres o Aotearoa 25 July MBIE
2324-0248 Meeting Briefing – Insurance Council of New Zealand 25 July MBIE
2324-0054 Grocery Supply Code of Conduct – outcome of consultation on the exposure draft 27 July MBIE
2223-4373 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 31 July MBIE
2223-4373 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 31 July MBIE
2324-0286 Q4 22-23, MBIE Operational Dashboard for the Commerce and Consumer Affairs Portfolio 31 July MBIE

June 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-3932 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 1 June MBIE
2223-3705 Draft Insurance Contracts Bill – summary of key submission feedback and advice 2 June MBIE
2223-3840 Grocery Supply Code of Conduct – Approval to Consult on an Exposure Draft 2 June MBIE
2223-4076 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 June MBIE
2223-4013 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 June MBIE
2223-4097 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 June MBIE
2223-3921 Meeting with NZ Cricket on 7 June 2023 at 3pm 6 June MBIE
2223-4045 MBIE NZCRS – Monthly Dashboard for Minister – May 2023 7 June MBIE
2223-3984 Estimates Examination 2023/24 – Proposed Responses to the Estimates Pre-hearing Questions 1-165 – Commerce and Consumer Affairs 8 June MBIE
2223-3830 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 June MBIE
2223-3632 Peer Review of New Zealand’s National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct: next steps 12 June MBIE
2223-3919 Step 1 Final Report: Investigation of Dumping of Preserved Peaches from China 12 June MBIE
2223-4017 Meetings with Kiwibank and Christians Against Poverty - 15 June 2023 14 June MBIE
2223-3747 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 14 June MBIE
2223-4128 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 14 June MBIE
2223-3409 Climate-related Disclosures Exposure Draft Regulations 15 June MBIE
2223-4253 Supplementary advice on Step 1 Final Report: Investigation of Dumping of Preserved Peaches from China 15 June MBIE
2223-4058 KiwiSaver significant financial hardship withdrawals 15 June MBIE
2223-4177 Mandatory unit pricing for grocery products: Summary of submissions on exposure 16 June MBIE
2223-4251 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 June MBIE
2223-4247 Meeting with Consumer NZ 20 June MBIE
2223-4085 Draft Cabinet paper interim Government response to the Review of Retirement Income Policies 22 June MBIE
2223-4132 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 22 June MBIE
2223-4160 Proactive release of Incorporated Societies Regulations Cabinet paper 22 June MBIE
2223-4303 Launch of documentary to boost awareness of fraud and scams 22 June MBIE
2223-4195 Draft Cabinet paper – Fit for purpose regulation of consumer credit 23 June MBIE
2223-4296 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 June MBIE
2223-4218 Draft Insurance Contracts Bill – Further advice on key submission feedback 23 June MBIE
2223-4245 Quarterly meeting with the Financial Markets Authority 27 June MBIE
2223-4367 Event Briefing - Meeting with the independent reviewer of the Utilities Disputes Ltd 28 June MBIE
2223-4410 Draft Cabinet paper for the Grocery Industry Competition Regulations 29 June MBIE
2223-4389 Meeting the Standards Approval Board 30 June MBIE
2223-4390 Provision of a dispute resolution scheme for the grocery industry: Approval for Request for Applications release 30 June  MBIE

May 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-3166 Meeting with Utilities Disputes Ltd – 4 April 2023 1 May MBIE
2223-3240 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 May MBIE
2223-3491 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 2 May MBIE
2223-3547 Meeting with the Takeovers Panel 3 May MBIE
2223-3626 Meeting with Anthony Watson, NZ Country Manager, Visa 3 May MBIE
2223-3293 Meeting with IBANZ 10 May 4 May MBIE
2223-3499 Covenants and other land agreements with anti-competitive effects Public Discussion Document 4 May MBIE
2223-3284 Quarterly meeting with the Retirement Commissioner 5 May MBIE
2223-2444 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 May MBIE
2223-3559 Minister to speak at the FMA staff conference at the Pullman Hotel, Auckland 8 May MBIE
2223-3638 Minister meeting with Maxine Elliott, CEO & Julia Nicol, Head of Public & Regulatory Affairs, Worldline 9 May MBIE
2223-3752 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 9 May MBIE
2223-3562 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 10 May MBIE
2223-3591 Local authority exemption from CCCFA 10 May MBIE
2223-3622 Estimates Examination 2023/24 – Proposed Responses to the Standard Estimates Questionnaire for Vote Business, Science and Innovation – Commerce and Consumer Affairs Portfolio 10 May MBIE
2223-3462 Revisiting the decision on CDR regulators 11 May MBIE
2223-3500 CCA Crown Entities – Draft accountability documents for your consideration 12 May MBIE
2223-3543 Meeting with BNPL providers on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 12 May MBIE
2223-3718 Tariffs - Approval of Order in Council to update the list of countries eligible for the Generalised System of Preference 15 May MBIE
2223-3767 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 May MBIE
2223-3615 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 May MBIE
2223-3825 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 18 May MBIE
2223-3730 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 25 May MBIE
2223-3769 Draft Cabinet paper: Release of an exposure draft and discussion document on the consumer data right 25 May MBIE
2223-3608 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 26 May MBIE
2223-4029 Shared services for water services entities and the Commerce Act 26 May MBIE
2223-4022 CCA work-programme update and prioritisation 29 May MBIE
2223-4000 Meeting with Auckland Airport – 31 May 2023 30 May MBIE
2223-4030 Meeting with CEO of Fonterra – on Wednesday 31 May 30 May MBIE

April 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-2072 Conduct of Financial Institutions – Draft LEG paper, proposed regulations and CRIS 3 April MBIE
2223-2971 Meetings with the Banking Ombudsman and Financial Services Complaints Ltd 3 April MBIE
2223-3201 Meeting with Airlines for Australia and New Zealand (A4ANZ) – 5 April 2023 3 April MBIE
2223-3236 Meeting with New Zealand Plant Breeders Research Association 3 April MBIE
2223-3059 Insurance claims advisers – further advice and communications approach 5 April MBIE
2223-3275 MBIE NZCRS – Monthly Dashboard for Minister – March 2023 11 April MBIE
2223-3375 Visit to Plant and Food Research Plant Breeding Facility 14 April 2023 12 April MBIE
2223-2133 Incorporated societies regulations: summary of submissions and recommended changes 13 April MBIE
2223-2982 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 April MBIE
2223-3302 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 April MBIE
2223-3343 2023 Legislation Programme: Reassessment of bids 13 April MBIE
2223-3391 2023 Statutes Amendment Bill 13 April MBIE
2223-3428 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 18 April MBIE
2223-3438 Meeting with The Cooperative Bank and ASB 19 April 18 April MBIE
2223-3479 Tax policy report: Government payment of KiwiSaver employer contribution to paid parental leave recipients 18 April MBIE
2223-2497 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 19 April MBIE
2223-3117 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 April MBIE
2223-3478 Event briefing for climate-reporting summit networking event 24 April MBIE
2223-3407 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 26 April MBIE
2223-3542 Meeting with The Middleware Group 26 April MBIE
2223-3552 Meeting with Community Law Canterbury 26 April MBIE
2223-3485 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 April MBIE
2223-3229 Meeting with Retail NZ – 2 May 2023 28 April MBIE
2223-3423 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 April MBIE
2223-3516 Meeting with ANZ NZ CEO Antonia Watson 28 April MBIE
2223-3556 Grocery Industry Competition Bill near final draft Supplementary Order Paper 28 April MBIE

March 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-2817 Tariff Act 1988: Updating list of countries eligible for the Generalised System of Preference 1 March MBIE
2223-2617 Product Safety Policy Statement – Button batteries; safer products and packaging 2 March MBIE
2223-2682 Proactive release of Cabinet papers: Establishment of national standing mechanism to support homeowners with insurance issues following natural disasters and Fast-tracked launch of the New Zealand Claims Resolution Service 2 March MBIE
2223-2754 Retail Payment System Act 2022 – Post-enactment update and impact of the initial pricing standard 2 March MBIE
2223-2302 Advice on unregulated insurance claim advisors 6 March MBIE
2223-2855 New Zealand Union of Students' Associations Meeting Wednesday 8 March 2023 6 March MBIE
2223-2331 Quarterly meeting with the FMA 7 March MBIE
2223-2699 Consumer Data Right: Next Steps 7 March MBIE
2223-2840 Consumer NZ introductory meeting 8 March 2023 7 March MBIE
2223-2841 Consumer Advocacy Council introductory meeting 8 March 2023 7 March MBIE
2223-2865 Meeting with Suncorp 7 March MBIE
2223-2303 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 8 March MBIE
2223-2876 Meeting with Payments NZ 8 March MBIE
2223-2902 Draft Cabinet Paper –Grocery Supply Code of Conduct – Policy Approvals 9 March MBIE
2223-2888 Meeting with Woolworths NZ on 16 March 2023 13 March MBIE
2223-2937 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 March MBIE
2223-2890 Tariff Act 1988: Approval of draft Cabinet paper seeking agreement to update the Generalised System of Preference 14 March MBIE
2223-2847 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 March MBIE
2223-3077 Making provision for trade remedies in Severe Weather Emergency Response Bill 21 March MBIE
2223-2998 Collaboration and competition issues during the response to severe weather events 22 March MBIE
2223-3083 Meeting with NZ Pork on 24 March 2023 22 March MBIE
2223-2678 Information on Te Pae Tawhiti and its links to Intellectual Policy work in the CCA Portfolio 23 March MBIE
2223-3080 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 March MBIE
2223-3064 Meeting with Westpac, ICNZ, and Akahu 24 March MBIE
2223-2908 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 March MBIE
2223-3107 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 27 March MBIE
2223-1997 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 March MBIE
2223-3088 Meeting with New Zealand Food and Grocery Council on 29 March 2023 28 March MBIE
2223-2974 CCCFA work programme optimisation 30 March MBIE
2223-3176 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 30 March MBIE
2223-3160 Event Briefing: Meeting with Professor Dr Andreas Heinemann 31 March MBIE
2223-3269 Grocery Industry Competition Bill proposed Supplementary Order Paper 31 March MBIE

February 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-2486 Briefing – Decisions to enable the launch of the New Zealand Claims Resolutiomn Service 2 February MBIE
2223-2515 Meeting with Financial Services Federation – 8 February 2023 8 February MBIE
2223-2518 Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance (Exemption for upper North Island flooding) Amendment Regulations 2023 9 February MBIE
2223-2538 CCA Portfolio Work-programme Update 10 February MBIE
2223-2252 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 13 February MBIE
2223-2542 FSC 'Future Ready Summit' 14 February MBIE
2223-2279 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 14 February MBIE
2223-2286 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 February MBIE
2223-2445 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 15 February MBIE
2223-2531 EVENT BRIEFING: New Zealand Shareholder Association’s National Investors Conference 15 February MBIE
2223-2656 Extending the Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance (Exemption for upper North Island flooding) Amendment Regulations 2023 16 February MBIE
2223-2677 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 20 February MBIE
2223-2429 Crown Entities Letters of Expectations 2023/24 21 February MBIE
2223-2548 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 February MBIE
2223-2647 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 21 February MBIE
2223-2202 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 22 February MBIE
2223-2510 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 February MBIE
2223-2510 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 23 February MBIE
2223-2631 ICE Futures U.S. Inc – License Cancellation 23 February MBIE
2223-2683 FinTech Hui – Insights into Consumer Data Right 24 February MBIE
2223-2735 Meeting with IAG New Zealand 28 February 2023 27 February MBIE
2223-2688 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 28 February MBIE

January 2023

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2223-2231 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 16 January MBIE
2223-2215 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 24 January MBIE
2223-2421 Title withheld: Confidential advice to Government 29 January MBIE
2223-2380 Budget 2023 Savings Initiatives 30 January MBIE
Last updated: 02 July 2024