Horopaki ki RSLG | RSLG context

In 2020, 15 Regional Skills Leadership Groups (RSLGs) across New Zealand were created to identify and support better ways of meeting future skills and workforce needs in our regions and cities.

The groups are independent advisory groups and have 12-15 members, including two co-chairs. Members include regional leaders, iwi/Māori and trade union leaders, local government and economic development agencies, community groups, skills training institutions and central government representatives who contribute their knowledge, diverse perspectives and local expertise about their region’s labour market. RSLGs are supported by regionally based teams of analysts, advisors and workforce specialists from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

As a part of the Review of Vocational Education (RoVE) reforms, RSLGs also work in conjunction with six different Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) that were established in October 2021. Each WDC is industry-specific and focuses on skills leadership, standard setting, quality assurance, advice, endorsement, brokerage and advocacy. Collaboration is at the heart of their mahi and they seek to partner with key agencies to deliver positive transformation through the vocational education system. To this end, they are a major partner of RSLGs for building and supporting regional labour market related initiatives and actions.

RSLGs are responsible for developing Regional Workforce Plans which will identify jobs that regions need or will be creating, the skills needed for these jobs and the most effective ways to maximise the ability to meet these workforce needs, both regionally and nationally. This will help create a joined-up, regionally-led approach to labour market planning which will provide a clear view on how, right across New Zealand, we can better meet the differing skills and workforce needs.

Key outcomes the RSLGs aim to achieve include: