How will we know we have succeeded?

Measuring success

To understand how well we are tracking towards the 2032 vision we need indicators of progress.

Tracking progress against the indicators will allow us to know whether the actions we are taking are having the positive effect we want and, if not, whether adjustments or a different course of action are needed. As shown in the diagram below, such tracking, evaluation and adjustment of settings needs to be seen as part of an ongoing cyclical process that ensures we stay on course to meet the objectives.

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The table below sets out the indicators we will use to evaluate progress towards the objectives:

Objective Examples of indicator(s)

A. By 2032 all people in New Zealand will be able to access networks that provide high speed broadband and reliable voice services

  • Average broadband speed (in rural and urban areas)
  • Number of end user locations without broadband access
  • Number and distribution of end users experiencing network congestion

B. New Zealand ranks consistently in the top 20 per cent of OECD nations (or a similar suitable substitute comparator) for connectivity measures, including broadband speeds and connections to fibre

  • New Zealand’s ranking in OECD or other suitable international data sets

C. By 2032 every rural and remote resident and worker in New Zealand will have the ability to access the connectivity they need

  • The proportion of end user locations on broadband and mobile connectivity across New Zealand

D. By 2032 New Zealand has a telecommunications network that is well positioned to cope with the nation’s unique resiliency challenges

  • Number, scale and length of network outages, damage reported, and time spent to restore the damage
  • Compliance with any applicable resilience standards

E. By 2032 the location and quality of New Zealand’s telecommunications infrastructure enables all New Zealanders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and use energy more efficiently

  • The proportion of areas where people live and work where infrastructure or coverage enables them to access connectivity