Essential documents for the National Science Challenges

All essential documents can be found in the table below.

Essential documents

Highlights from the National Science Challenges [PDF, 3.8 MB] The essential facts and a case study of valuable research for each Challenge
National Science Challenge Performance Framework [PDF, 824 KB] The Performance Framework sets out how MBIE will monitor and evaluate each Challenge and the National Science Challenge policy
Gazette Notice published  12 September 2017(external link)  The criteria for proposals for second period National Science Challenges funding
Principles for National Science Challenge development and implementation [PDF, 104 KB] The 20 principles on which the National Science Challenges were developed and implemented
National Science Challenge principles - key messages [PDF, 94 KB] Messages that reiterate the concept of the Challenges and emphasise the main Challenge principles
Great NZ Science project - public input February 2013 [PDF, 1.3 MB] A summary of the Great New Zealand Science Project public engagement for the National Science Challenges.
National Science Challenges - Science Board decisions on second period funding [PDF, 811 KB] The Science Board’s decisions on the 2018 Mid-Way Review
Terms of reference for mid-way review [PDF, 510 KB] The terms of reference for the 2018 Mid-Way Review
National Science Challenges - Mid-Way Review Panel Guidelines [PDF, 757 KB] The information provided to independent Mid-Way Review Panel members regarding their role