Monthly tourism spend grouped by region and country of origin

Our latest Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs) — grouped by region and visitor country of origin.

Monthly spend grouped by Region


Spend by Country of Origin
Historical monthly spending pattern

How to use this tool

This series of charts shows tourism expenditure for a month.

Filtering results

Click on individual rows of the region and country charts to filter results.

When a particular row is selected, the other charts will update based on that selection. For example, if Australia was selected from the country chart the other charts would only show spending associated with Australian visitors, both in the charts for last month, and the historical charts.

If Canterbury was selected from the region chart and then China was selected from the country chart, the historical spending chart would illustrate the monthly spending of Chinese visitors to the Canterbury region.

Showing exact spend and past spend

Hovering the mouse cursor over an individual bar shows the exact spend for that category according the current filters applied.

The historical line chart shows monthly spending patterns for the selected combination. Mouseover the linechart to see the monthly spend for any individual month in the data record.

Resetting the charts to their original state

When a selection is made on a chart a "Reset" option becomes available. This will clear any selections for that chart. 

Last updated: 03 December 2020