Energy publications and technical papers

This page lists energy statistics and modelling publications, technical papers, reports and guides produced by us or for us.


We produce quarterly and annual publications presenting the latest energy statistics.

Energy in New Zealand

This annual publication provides information on and analysis of New Zealand’s energy sector — including statistics on supply, transformation, and demand. See Energy in New Zealand for more.

Energy in New Zealand

New Zealand Energy Quarterly

This quarterly publication provides data and analysis on energy supply, demand and pricing across various commodities. See New Zealand Energy Quarterly for more.

New Zealand Energy Quarterly

Report on Energy Hardship Measures

This annual report provides data and insights on energy hardship at a national level and amongst key demographic groups. See Report on Energy Hardship for more.

Report on energy hardship

Technical papers, reports and guides

Energy statistics and modelling technical papers, reports and guides.

Energy statistics sources and method

This document gives an overview of the data sources and methods used by the Ministry to produce national energy statistics.

Energy statistics sources and method [PDF, 961 KB]

Energy modelling methodology

This guide provides information on the modelling methods we use to produce New Zealand’s Energy Outlook and other energy modelling releases.

Energy Modelling Technical Guide — August 2016 [PDF, 1.3 MB]

New Zealand generation stack updates

We maintain data on New Zealand’s generation stack, which contains information on the costs of existing and new electricity generation in New Zealand. Subject-matter experts are regularly engaged to review and update this information.

New Zealand generation stack updates

Review of demand forecasting methodology 2011

We produce the New Zealand Energy Outlook publication on an annual basis. This includes long-term projections of demand, energy supply and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2011 the then Ministry of Economic Development (MED) undertook a review of their demand models for this publication. The documents below outline the review process and results.

Coal prices in New Zealand markets

This report examines the current and expected future prices of coal in New Zealand for domestic and export markets. It's produced to provide coal price assumptions for forecasting and other modelling work by MBIE and other government agencies. The original 2009 report was updated in 2011 and 2013.

Validation of Energy Outlook electricity modelling

We produce the New Zealand Energy Outlook publication on an annual basis. This includes long-term projections of demand, energy supply and greenhouse gas emissions to 2035. In March 2010 the then Ministry of Economic Development (MED) engaged Energy Link to undertake “parallel modelling” of their Energy Outlook Reference Scenario and comment on their approach to modelling electricity prices in the Reference Scenario. The document below contains their report to MED.

Validation of electricity modelling for energy outlook — July 2010 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Solar photovoltaic energy

In 2009 the then Ministry of Economic Development engaged IT Power to conduct an assessment of the future costs and performance of solar PV in New Zealand. See Solar photovoltaic energy for more.

Solar photovoltaic energy

Cost and impacts of a transition to hydrogen fuel in New Zealand

This 2007 report, prepared by CRL Energy, examines the economics of producing, transporting, and consuming hydrogen vehicle fuel in New Zealand, including greenhouse gas emissions and local environmental impacts.

Cost and Impacts of a Transition to Hydrogen Fuel in New Zealand [PDF, 273 KB]

Liquid fuels from lignite

This 2006 report, produced by CRL Energy, examines the economics of producing liquid fuels from lignite coal in New Zealand. All scenarios examined use carbon capture and storage technology to minimise the carbon dioxide releases in processing.

Liquid Fuels from Lignite [PDF, 215 KB]

Alternative liquid fuels

This 2007 report examines the global costs, availability, and environmental impacts of alternative liquid fuels that might substitute for fuels made from conventional oil. These include unconventional oil, biofuels, and synthetic liquids from gas and coal.

Alternative Liquid Fuels: Global Availability, Economics and Environmental Impacts [PDF, 528 KB]

Emerging supply-side energy technologies

This 2006 report, produced by PB Power, examines the likely costs and availability of 13 emerging energy supply technologies in New Zealand.

Emerging Supply-Side Energy Technologies [PDF, 2.5 MB]

Heavy industry energy demand

This 2009 report is an update to a 2006 report, which developed projections of energy demand by a number of energy-intensive manufacturing industries in New Zealand. It includes new information and projections, and provides information on some industries not originally included.

Heavy Industry Energy Demand [PDF, 2 MB] 

Liquid fuel deliveries in New Zealand 1990-2008

This report presents the results of the 2008 calendar year Annual Liquid Fuel Survey, as well as a reconstructed time-series of these deliveries back to 1990. See Delivering the diesel: Liquid fuel deliveries in New Zealand 1990-2008 for more.

Delivering the diesel: Liquid fuel deliveries in New Zealand 1990-2008

Liquid fuels use in New Zealand

In 2008 a project was started to investigate the liquid fuel supply chain in New Zealand and the completeness of our consumption statistics for liquid fuels. See Liquid fuels use in New Zealand for more.

Liquid fuels use in New Zealand

Last updated: 27 June 2023