Regional Tourism Estimates key pivot table

This pivot table provides estimates of both domestic and international tourism expenditure in million dollars and is part of the Regional Tourism Estimates.

Pivot table of Regional Tourism Estimates 2009-2015

This table provides estimates of both domestic and international tourism expenditure in million dollars by:

  • visitors’ country of origin
  • broad industry groupings (referred to as ‘product’ in the Tourism Satellite Account)
  • regional council
  • territorial authority
  • Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO).

Pivot table of Regional Tourism Estimates [XLSX, 6.5 MB]

Creative Commons License(external link)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License(external link).

2015 changes to the TSA and IVS

Changes to the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and the International Visitor Survey (IVS) mean the 2015 Regional Tourism Estimates generally produced higher estimates of spending for the period 2009-2014 than previously published.

These papers describe the nature and impact of these changes:

All users should discard earlier versions of the RTEs and download the new tables.

See RTEs data sources and methodology for more information.