New Zealand Energy Quarterly – December 2021

The New Zealand Energy Quarterly provides quarterly data and analysis on energy supply, demand, prices and associated greenhouse gas emissions. This edition was released 10 March 2022.

Main highlights for this quarter

  • The renewable share of electricity generation was 90.7%, 6.4% higher than a year ago. This is the highest renewable share since the December quarter 1995.
  • Hydro generation is 4.7% higher than in the December 2020 quarter. Hydro lake storage levels and inflows were above historical averages after above average rainfall in hydro catchment areas.
  • Generation from wind was 18% higher in this quarter compared to December 2020. The increase in hydro and wind generation led to a decreased reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation.
  • Electricity generated from coal dropped by 72% in this quarter to contribute 1.3% to the share of electricity generation. The last time electricity generation from coal (in gigawatt hours) was this low was in March quarter 1997.
  • 2021 had the lowest annual gas production since 2006. This was mainly driven by an ongoing decline in production from Pohokura gas field. There was also an increase in gas storage at Ahuroa storage facility.
  • International fuel prices rose during the quarter, driving increases in the price of regular petrol of 31% and diesel of 50%.

More information on the response to COVID-19 by the energy sector

For more detailed data, see the relevant page:

Last updated: 09 June 2022