Energy modelling

Our energy modelling work programme produces projections of future energy supply, demand, prices and emissions.

About energy modelling

The energy modelling we do provides the background that policymakers, potential investors and stakeholders need to understand the energy issues facing New Zealand.

When decisions are made in the energy industry, they tend to have a long-lasting impact. A plant, a well or a mine developed today is likely to operate for several decades. In the same way the environmental impact of the decisions we make on energy, such as climate change, will play out over many decades.

Modelling publications and technical papers

Our core modelling publication — New Zealand’s Energy Outlook — takes a long-term view, currently out to the year 2030.

New Zealand's Energy Outlook

For information about our modelling approach, research and methodology, see our publications and technical papers.

Publications and technical papers

Electricity demand and generation scenarios

Electricity demand and generation scenarios explore future levels of electricity demand, and how this could be met out to 2050 under 5 different scenarios. The scenarios are a key reference point for preparing and assessing major grid investment proposals by Transpower.

For more information see Electricity demand and generation scenarios.

Interactive electricity generation cost model

This model shows the estimated costs of new generation projects based on Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC), and the quantity of new generation required to meet a particular level of future demand growth.

For more information see Interactive electricity generation cost model.