Labour and skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast – Summary
Our Regional workforce Plan 2023.
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Labour and Skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast - A3 summary [PDF 1.2 MB] [PDF, 1.2 MB]
Our vision
An innovative and resilient economy delivering opportunities and high-paying jobs for our community/hapori. Caring for our people and our environment is part of who we are and what we are known for.
He ōhanga e hihiri ana, e manawaroa ana e kōkiri ana i ngā āheinga me ngā umanga whai rawa ki tō tātou hapori. He wāhanga nō mātou, kua hau hoki tō mātou rongo mō te kumanu i ō tātou tāngata, i tō tātou hapori anō hoki.
Te Whanakaetanga
Te Tai Poutini West Coast 2050 Strategy
Our key focus areas and year 2 priorities (2023/2024)
Focus area 1
Young people have the skills they need to meet regional forecast job growth and employer needs.
- Help ākonga to discover, explore, and connect to the world of work through initiatives that enable meaningful connections with employers from our priority sectors.
Focus area 2
Maximising Te Tai Poutini’s workforce to meet our current and future skills and labour demands.
- Encourage and support employers to understand their current and anticipated future workforce skill sets and needs that are required to be high performing organisations.
- Identify business strategic human resource advice and support needs and potential service providers. Provide information and support to help employers.
Focus area 3
Connecting our employers, educators, and workers to future-proof our labour market.
- Promote the sharing of ideas and learnings between sectors and businesses for improved labour market outcomes.
Focus area 4
Enabling workplaces to be more worker friendly, flexible and inclusive.
- Actively engage with older workers to understand what information, support and training they need to successfully participate in our labour market.
- Assist employers with the implementation of wellbeing strategies that benefit both the employee and employer.
Focus area 5
Māori have the skills and knowledge to succeed at all stages of their careers.
- Understand the training and support needs that are required for Māori to successfully participate in our labour market.
- Promote to whānau the diverse career opportunities and pathways available to their rangatahi.
Our key focus sectors
There are several key sectors that are important for Te Tai o Poutini’s economy and labour markets. They are areas where we know that significant gains can be made and where we currently or are anticipated to have a shortage of skills and labour.
- Accommodation and Food Services
- Construction
- Extractive Industries
- Manufacturing
- Health care and social assistance
Our priority groups
With a key focus on more inclusive employment outcomes and opportunities, we have identified five priority groups within our community.
- Māori
- Woman/Wahine
- Older Workers/ Ngā kaimahi kua tunohunohu
- Youth / Rangatahi
- Disabled Persons and/or People with Health Conditions/Te Hunga Whaikaha, te Hunga hoki/ranei kua Pangia e te tahi Mate Hauora