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Regional Workforce Plan 2023
Introduction | He kōrero whakataki
Regional workforce plans
Regional Workforce Plan 2023
- Labour and skills for Te Tai o Poutini West Coast – Summary
- Co-chairs forward | He kōrero whakataki nā ngā heamana takirua
- Introduction | He kōrero whakataki
- The labour market environment
- Regional workforce outlook
- Highlights of our region’s achievements
- Priorities for the next 12 months
- Regional skills needs – Tertiary Education Commission advice
- Putting our plan into practice
- Te Tai o Poutini RSLG members | Ngā mema RSLG o Te Tai o Poutini
- Regional workforce plan 2022
Regional Workforce Plan 2023
Introduction | He kōrero whakataki
Welcome to Te Tai o Poutini West Coast Regional Workforce Plan (RWP) 2023. This is the first annual review of our inaugural RWP 2022.
On this page
This document does not replace the RWP 2022, but is designed to build on it. In this plan you will find highlights from the last year that showcase some of our region’s achievements, a list of actions we will focus on over the coming year, the advice we provided to the Tertiary Education Commission to help focus their funding decisions for 2024, and a complete list of progress against our Year 1 priority actions.
The data presented in this RWP draws primarily on Infometrics forecasts for the West Coast Region. Where this is not the case the data source is noted.
To ensure our Plans and work remain relevant, we will be undertaking another annual plan review next year, with a full review in 2025.

Photo: Stewart Nimmo