He kupu takamaua nā te Tumu Whakarae | Chief Executive’s foreword
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Chief Executive's foreword
Tēna koutou katoa.
Hīkina Whakatutuki, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) continues to focus on its purpose to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All.
Our work to build an inclusive, sustainable and prosperous country for present and future generations is guided by 3 pillars: Puāwai, to grow opportunities; Kaihāpai, to be a guardian and protect; and Auaha, to innovate and navigate.
This year, from the opening of the borders through to the response and ongoing recovery efforts following Cyclone Gabrielle and Cyclone Hale, our 6,500 people have once again shown their commitment to deliver for New Zealanders.
Having to respond to unexpected domestic and international challenges underscored the need for us to continue our strong focus on delivering our core services. These range from ensuring labour standards to supporting the science systems, setting building standards, enabling better procurement, and working to support climate change targets, resilience and more.
We have continued to support the Immigration Rebalance, following the opening of the borders on 31 July 2022. We leveraged the skills and expertise across MBIE to make improvements to our operational processes, so businesses could access the migrant workers they needed. In the year since, we approved more than 1.065 million people to visit, work or study in New Zealand. We continue to see strong demand from migrants wanting to come to here.
MBIE supports 18 regulatory systems and, this year, launched the Regulatory Systems Stewardship Strategy 2023–2028. This is our organisational commitment to improving how we steward our regulatory systems over the next 5 years. Our ambition is to create and maintain regulatory systems that prevent harm and enable Aotearoa New Zealand’s people, businesses and future generations to thrive.
Further to the establishment of the Digital, Data and Insights group last year, we have sought to consolidate our corporate functions to help set up our organisation for the future. In brief, these are: bringing together related functions and teams; simplifying and removing duplication; better using the skills, experience and capabilities of our people across MBIE; career development opportunities for our people; taking greater advantage of data and insight, and automating processes to enable our people to focus more time on delivering for the people we serve.
In recognising the importance of effective and enduring relationships between Māori and the Crown, we are now in year 2 of Whāinga Amorangi, our internal strategy to build our Te Ao Māori cultural capabilities.
Through funds managed by the Kānoa – Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit, we explore and invest in opportunities to revitalise regional economies and communities, including providing specific funding to unlock the potential of whenua Māori.
In May 2023, MBIE was named New Zealand’s third most desirable workplace in the Randstad annual award. This is testament to the positive reputation we have as an organisation and reflects the continued recognition of the importance of the work we do to Grow Aotearoa New Zealand for All. Building trust and confidence in the public sector is a major driver for our agency, and we want MBIE to be a place where people want to contribute to the work we do for New Zealanders.
Carolyn Tremain
Te Hēkeretari, Te Tumu Whakarae mō Hīkina Whakatutuki
Secretary for Business, Innovation and Employment and Chief Executive
He kupu takamua nā te Tumu Whakarae
Tēna koutou katoa.
E ārahina tonutia ana a Hīkina Whakatutuki (MBIE) e tō mātou whāinga matua kia Whakapakaritia a Aotearoa mō te Katoa.
Kei ngā pou e toru kitea ai ā mātou mahi ki te whakapakari i tētahi whenua kia okioki, kia pūmau ai, kia whai oranga ai mō ngā whakatipuranga ki tua: ko te Puāwai, hei whakawhānui i ngā āheinga; ko te Kaihāpai, kia noho hei kaitiaki, ā, ko te Auaha, kia tai auaha te kōkiri.
I tēnei tau, mai anō i te huakitanga o ngā roherohenga whenua, ki ngā mahi whakaora whai muri mai i te Huripari Gabrielle me te Huripari Hale, ko tōna 6,500 o ā mātou kaimahi i whakatauira mai i te ngākau aroha ki te whakatutuki i ngā kaupapa e tika ana mō Aotearoa whānui.
Ko ngā uruparenga mō ngā wero nui i pā mai i konei, ā, puta noa i te ao, nō reira mai te hiahia kia aro pū mātou ki ā mātou ratonga matua. Ko ngā paerewa kaimahi tērā, ko te tautoko i ngā pūnaha pūtaiao tērā, ko ngā paerewa hanga whare tērā, ko ngā take whiwhinga tērā, ko ngā whāinga take āhuarangi hoki tērā, ā, me ētahi atu kaupapa.
I haere tonu ā mātou mahi tautoko i te Hekenga Whārite whai muri mai i te huakitanga o ngā roherohenga whenua i te 31 July 2022. Nā ngā rau pūkenga puta noa i a MBIE i taea ai te whakapai ake i ā mātou tukanga whakahaere kia wātea ai ngā kaimahi manene ki ngā pakihi. Tae rawa mai ki tēnei tau, neke atu i te 1.065 miriona tāngata i whakaaetia kia toro mai, kia whai mahi, kia whai tohu rānei ki Aotearoa. Kei te kite tonu mātou i te kaha hiahia a ngāi manene kia haere mai ki konei.
E 18 ngā pūnaha ture ārahi e tautokotia ana e MBIE, ā, nō te tau nei rewa ai te Rautaki Tiaki Rure Ārahi 2023-2028 a MBIE. Koinei te whakatītinatanga o tō mātou wāhi mahi ki āna mahi ki te whakapai ake i ngā whakaritenga tautiaki i ngā pūnaha ture ārahi mō ngā tau e rima e tū mai nei. Ko te tūmanako, kia hangaia, kia tōnui hoki ētahi pūnaha tūre ārahi e kaupare ana i ngā raru ka pā mai, ā, kia whai oranga ai te iwi, ngā pakihi me ngā whakatipuranga kei te haere mai.
Tuia atu ki te whakapūmautanga o te rōpū Matihiko, Rauraunga, Tirohanga hoki o te tau kua hipa, i whai mātou ki te tāmau i ā mātou kawenga rangatōpū kia māmā ake te whakarite mai i te wāhi mahi ki tua. Ko te kōrero poto: he whakakotahi i ngā kawenga hāngai me ngā rōpū; he whakamāmā, he whakakore hoki i te tāruatanga; kia pai ake te whakamahi i ngā pūkenga, wheako, mōhiotanga hoki a ngā kaimahi puta noa i a MBIE; he whakawhanake i ngā āheinga ahumahi mō ā mātou kaimahi; kia pai ake te whakamahi i ngā raraunga me ngā tirohanga, ā, kia aunoa hoki ngā tukanga kia taea ai ā mātou kaimahi ki te aro ki ngā mahi whai orange ki te iwi.
E mārama ai te hirahira o ngā tūhononga mauroa i waenganui i a ngāi Māori me te Karauna, ko te tau tuarua tēnei o te kaupapa o Whāinga Amorangi, tā mātou rautaki ki te whakapakari i ō mātou mōhiotanga ki te ao Māori.
Mā roto i ngā pūtea e whakahaeretia ana e Kānoa, ka whāia ngā āheinga haumi hei whakaora i ngā ōhanga ā-rohe me ā rātou hapori, tae noa ki ngā pūtea ka aro pū ki te oranga o ngā whenua Māori.
Ko taua kōrero anō rā, tēnei au te tuku mihi nei ki te nui o ngā mahi i oti i ā mātou kaimahi puta noa i a MBIE. E whakahī katoa atu ana i ngā mahi kua tutuki i tēnei tau kua hipa. Ko ā rātou mahi hei kaiwhakarato ratonga, hei kaihanga kaupapa here, hei kaituku pūtea, hei kaituruki hoki e tau pai ai ngā hua hora nui ki a Aotearoa whānui. Nōhea e tawhiti, e kukume mai nei i te nui o te pai o ngā pānga ki a ngāi Aotearoa huri noa.
Noho ora mai rā.
Carolyn Tremain
Te Hēkeretari, Te Tumu Whakarae mō Hīkina Whakatutuki
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