Leadership, governance and risk
Our senior leadership team consists of the Secretary (Chief Executive), 8 deputy secretaries, and the Chief Advisor to the Secretary. They are responsible for MBIE’s organisational strategy, Te Ara Amiorangi, and the achievement of MBIE’s strategic outcomes, including the ongoing stewardship of MBIE, its people, systems and functions.
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MBIE’s ownership minister, the Minister for Economic Development, is accountable to Parliament to make sure we carry out our functions properly and efficiently. MBIE’s Secretary is accountable for the leadership and overall performance of the organisation, as well as representation on various boards and governance entities, such as the Council of Financial Regulators.
The Senior Leadership Team champions our values, drives cultural change and makes sure we focus our efforts and resources in the right areas at the right time. The team also works to establish systems and processes so MBIE can perform effectively.
Our governance system, Mana Whakaruruhau, makes sure proper oversight occurs across our performance and delivery. Mana Whakaruruhau is also the system through which the organisational strategy, Te Ara Amiorangi, is advanced and monitored.
Managing risk is an important part of how we operate, and we integrate effective risk management into our culture, governance arrangements, business planning and decision making processes. Managing risk is the responsibility of everyone at MBIE, but we also have risk and assurance specialists to manage strategic and operational risks. Additionally, an external risk and advisory committee provides independent, objective advice on the framework and insights on risks and how MBIE is responding to these.

Text description of Te Ara Amiorangi image
Regulatory systems
MBIE has stewardship or other responsibilities across 18 regulatory systems. They are:
- Accident compensation
- Building
- Communication markets
- Competition
- Consumer and commercial
- Corporate governance
- Employment relations and standards
- Energy markets
- Financial markets conduct
- Health and safety at work
- Immigration
- Intellectual property
- Managed isolation and quarantine*
*Transitioning back to the health system 1 July 2023. - Outer space and high-altitude activities
- Petroleum and minerals
- Standards and conformance
- Tenancy
- Trade remedies.
Organisations we monitor
We are responsible for monitoring 12 Crown entities. They are:
- Callaghan Innovation
- Commerce Commission
- Commission for Financial Capability (headed by the Retirement Commissioner)
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
- External Reporting Board
- Financial Markets Authority
- New Zealand Electricity Authority
- New Zealand Tourism Board
- New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
- International Accreditation New Zealand
- Takeovers Panel
- WorkSafe New Zealand.
We are responsible for monitoring 7 Crown research institutes. They are:
- AgResearch Ltd
- Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd
- Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Ltd
- Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd
- National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd
- New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd
- New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Ltd.
We are also responsible for monitoring 1 Crown entity company, New Zealand Growth Capital Partners Ltd, and 2 Public Finance Act 1989 Schedule 4A companies, Crown Regional Holdings Ltd and Research and Education Advanced Network New Zealand Ltd.
MBIE supports ministers to make board appointments to Crown and other entities, including occupational licensing boards, tribunals, advisory boards, committees and panels, dispute resolution entities, trust boards and industry councils. MBIE provides policy advice to ministers, including on the appropriations for various entities, such as ACC and Crown Infrastructure Partners Ltd. Finally, we undertake limited monitoring of 2 incorporated societies that are not Crown entities: the Building Research Association of New Zealand and the Heavy Engineering Research Association.