He kōrero mo mātau | About us

We strive to be a place where people want to work and where they are safe, listened to and valued. We want our people to feel like they belong and make MBIE a place where they grow personally and professionally through meaningful work.

In this section

Our values

Our values guide how we work and interact with one another and with our customers and partners.

Leadership, governance and risk

Our senior leadership team consists of the Secretary (Chief Executive), 8 deputy secretaries, and the Chief Advisor to the Secretary. They are responsible for MBIE’s organisational strategy, Te Ara Amiorangi, and the achievement of MBIE’s strategic outcomes, including the ongoing stewardship of MBIE, its people, systems and functions.

Ministerial portfolios

We lead 13 portfolios across 3 Votes, we manage 18 regulatory systems and are responsible for over 115 acts.

Our people

At 30 June 2023, we employed 6,515 people. Our strength is in the diversity of our people whose work supports communities and businesses across Aotearoa New Zealand. We aspire to better reflect the communities we serve and manaaki (uplift and care for) one another to deliver for New Zealanders.

Māori–Crown relations

Effective and enduring relationships between iwi, other Māori groups and the Crown are critical to enable economic and social development, both for Māori and the wider population. Success is built on partnership, and we will continue to partner with Māori to find sustainable solutions to long standing systemic and cross cutting issues facing Aotearoa New Zealand.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

At MBIE, we value our people and strive to reflect the communities we serve. Our inclusion and diversity strategy, Nō Konei–Belong, focuses on having inclusion at the heart of our mahi, creating a sense of belonging and meeting public sector-wide diversity, inclusion and equity objectives.

Wellbeing, health and safety

Workplace wellbeing, health and safety continues to be a focus for MBIE. MBIE’s online wellbeing hub, Te Puna Ora, offers practical information on managing wellbeing, along with access to support services to those within the organisation.

Our digital and data journey

MBIE’s Digital, Data and Insights business group was formally established in February 2022. This realignment brought together existing functions, skills, knowledge and responsibilities to ensure better alignment and efficiency.


MBIE’s sustainability framework supports both the Government’s commitment to having a carbon neutral public sector by 2025 and broader cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes for the country in the transition to a low-emissions economy.