Commerce and Consumer Affairs – 2022

Titles of documents the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs received from MBIE in 2022.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list. The Minister also receives regular status reports from their agencies that are not included in this list.

Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

June 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-4443 June 2022 Year-end underspend proposals: Vote Business, Science and Innovation – Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and Digital Economy and Communications portfolios 1 June MBIE
2122-4691 Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Bill – Departmental Report 3 June MBIE
2122-4732 Consumer NZ 7 June MBIE
2122-4693 Major Events Management Act 2007: FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 7 June MBIE
2122-4614 Quarterly Meeting with the Financial Markets Authority 8 June MBIE
2122-4717 Meeting with Matthew Lane, General Manager of Night ‘n Day 10 June  MBIE
2122-4876 Meeting with Alan Sutherland: 22 June 2022 20 June MBIE
2122-4745 Meeting with FinCap 20 June MBIE
2122-4072 Mindful Money Conference 20 June MBIE
2122-4965 Estimates Examination 2022-23 Commerce and Consumer Affairs – Proposed responses to Post-hearing and Additional Pre-hearing Questions 28 June MBIE

May 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-4295 Meetings with Grocery market stakeholders 2 May MBIE
2122-4255 Draft LEG paper: Financial Markets Conduct (Disclosure Requirements for Bank Perpetual Preference Shares and Other Matters) Amendment Regulations 2022 3 May MBIE
2122-4066 MBIE Operational Dashboard for the Commerce and Consumer Affairs portfolio 5 May MBIE
2122-2818 Updated - Meeting with Banking Ombudsman Scheme 5 May MBIE
2122-2869 Plant Variety Rights Bill - Material for Committee of the Whole House 6 May MBIE
2122-5927 Reserve Bank of New Zealand Submission for External Reporting Board's Climate-related disclosure consultation 7 May MBIE
2122-4296 Cabinet paper Retail Grocery Sector Market Study - Government response 10 May
2122-4169 MVTR Scheme fee and levy review 11 May MBIE
2122-4017 Crown Entities: Draft statements of performance expectations 11 May MBIE
2122-4141 Summary of submissions on the exposure draft of amendments to the CCCFA regulations and Responsible Lending Code and draft Cabinet paper 13 May MBIE
2122-3377 Update on the draft Long-term Insights Briefing and upcoming engagement period 16 May MBIE
2122-4342 Draft Cabinet Paper and Consultation Paper for the Grocery Industry Code of Conduct 25 May MBIE
2122-4587 Commerce (Grocery Sector Covenants) Amendment Bill - initial briefing to the EDSI Committee 25 May MBIE
2122-4617 Material for the introduction of the Companies (Levies) Amendment Bill 31 May MBIE

April 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-3177 Efforts to increase diversity on public sector boards 4 April MBIE
2122-3334 Grocery sector market study recommendations to progress through Budget Night legislation and seeking funding for a dedicated market study response team 6 April MBIE
2122-2207 Approval for Introduction Cabinet Paper: Companies Office Funding Validation Bill and Companies Office Funding Bill 7 April MBIE
2122-3386 Meeting with Costco 7 April MBIE
2122-3328 Draft Cabinet paper “Response to the Commerce Commission’s retail grocery sector market study and Grocery Industry Competition Bill" 8 April MBIE
2122-2580 2021/22 Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations and 2022/23 Main Estimates: Vote Business, Science and Innovation – Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and Digital Economy and Communications portfolios 12 April MBIE
2122-4090 Briefing Draft Cabinet paper – Grocery Sector (Urgent Measures) Bill – Approval for Introduction 14 April MBIE

March 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-2665  Extending COVID-19 related corporate governance relief for businesses and other legal entities – draft Cabinet paper 2 March MBIE
2122-2331 Motor Vehicle Traders Scheme fee and levy review: outcome of public consultation and draft Cabinet paper 4 March MBIE
2122-2887 Proactive release of Cabinet paper: Investigation into the Impacts of Recent CCCFA 2003 Changes: Initial findings and proposals  4 March MBIE
2122-2805 Initial government response to findings of ComCom market study into the retail grocery sector - Cabinet oral item 4 March MBIE
2122-2848 Plant Variety Rights Fees Review 2022: release of discussion document and reprioritisation of underspend 7 March MBIE
2122-2693 Minister Q1 Meeting with Financial Markets Authority 8 March MBIE
2122-2519 Project plan: Assurance of climate statement and regulation of assurance providers 9 March MBIE
2122-2719  Meeting with Utilities Disputes Limited 9 March MBIE
2122-2822 MBIE Operational Dashboard for the Commerce and Consumer Affairs portfolio 10 March MBIE
2122-2942 Committee of the whole House material - Retail Payment System Bill 10 March MBIE
2122-3046 Meeting with Ministers of Agriculture and Finance re Fonterra Capital Restructure 10 March MBIE
2122-2986 Event Briefing Consumer Advocacy Council  11 March MBIE
2122-2337  NZBA Council Meeting 11 March MBIE
2122-2988 Meeting with Hon Tinetti - KiwiSaver Enhancements 14 March MBIE
2122-2985 Meeting with FinCAP 14 March MBIE
2122-2955 Meeting with Zespri and T&G Global on the Plant Variety Rights Bill 15 March MBIE
2122-2905 Ministers of Finance and Revenue DEV Cabinet paper - Addressing Emissions Leakage 15 March MBIE
2122-2226 Updated Consumer Data Right  15 March MBIE
2122-3113 Three Waters Multi-Ministers meeting 17 March MBIE
2122-2975 Step 2 Final Report: Investigation of Dumping of Aluminium-Zinc Coated Steel from Korea 21 March MBIE
2122-3197 Commerce and Consumer Affairs Portfolio - Work-programme update 23 March MBIE

February 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-2406 Meeting with Financial Advice NZ to discuss consumer finance law and policy changes 3 February MBIE
2122-2432 Update on Market study into the retail grocery sector  8 February MBIE
2122-2255 Meeting with Mary Devine, new CEO of Foodstuffs South Island 8 February MBIE
2122-2576 Meeting with Kiri Hannifin, Countdown Director Sustainability, Safety and Corporate Affairs 8 February MBIE
2122-2557 Major Events Management Act 2007: Rugby World Cup application to be declared a Major Event 8 February MBIE
2122-2273 COVID-19 - Decision on extending corporate governance relief for businesses and other legal entities  9 February MBIE
2122-2441 Budget 2022 MBIE Cross-Portfolio Prioritisation 9 February MBIE
2122-2544 Economic regulation and consumer protection of three waters services: summary of submissions 11 February MBIE
2122-2523  Attendance at FSC - Future Ready Advice Summit 14 February MBIE
2122-2356 Stage 1 Final Report – Full Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Preserved Peaches from Spain 14 February MBIE
2122-2431 Crown Entities: Letters of Expectation 2022/23 16 February MBIE
2122-2368 2022 March Baseline Update (MBU) Submission - Commerce and Consumer Affairs & Digital Economy and Communications portfolios 15 February MBIE
2122-2748 Draft Cabinet Paper CCCFA investigation – initial findings and proposals 17 February MBIE
2122-2296 Meeting with Foodstuffs North Island 18 February MBIE
2122-2218 Draft Cabinet paper – Banking Ombudsman Scheme, Financial Advisers Disciplinary Committee and Financial Advice Code Committee 17 February MBIE
2122-2527 Buy-Now, Pay-Later Understanding the triggers of financial hardship: Summary of Submissions 22 February MBIE
2122-2206  FMA’s funding approvals and draft FMA levy DEV paper 24 February MBIE
2122-2645  Plant Variety Rights Bill - Supplementary Order Paper  24 February MBIE
2122-2347  Six-Monthly Performance Reports, July to December 2021: Commerce and Consumer Affairs Portfolio 25 February MBIE

January 2022

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-2228 Approval to consult on an exposure draft Insurance Contracts Bill 18 January MBIE
2122-2209 Retail Payment System Bill: Departmental report 18 January MBIE
2122-2143 Bids for the 2022 Legislation Programme - Commerce and Consumer Affairs 18 January MBIE
2122-2281 Infant Inclined Sleepers: extension of Unsafe Goods Notice 18 January MBIE
2122-2396 Investigation into the initial implementation of the new CCCFA regime  27 January MBIE
2122-2161 Approval of Financial Services Complaints Ltd request for rule changes 28 January MBIE
2122-2259 Options for progressing the Plant Variety Rights fees review  28 January MBIE
Last updated: 11 November 2023 Last reviewed: 16 May 2023