ACC – 2021

Titles of documents the Minister of ACC received from MBIE in 2021.

The following lists are as accurate as possible at the time of publishing and may be updated or added to. This list includes papers received from the Minister’s reporting agency where the Minister is the main recipient. Papers received from other agencies, or where a paper has been referred to the Minister by another Minister, are not included in this list.

Titles of Appointment and Honours Committee (APH) briefings and briefings that accompany responses to Official Information Act requests to the Minister are not included in this list.​

Some information has been withheld for the following reasons:

  • National security or defence
  • Commercial information
  • Confidentiality
  • Likely otherwise to damage the public interest
  • Confidential advice to Government
  • Free and frank expression of opinion
  • Legal professional privilege
  • Negotiations

December 2021

Tracking number Title Date received by Minister Author
2122-2049 / GOV-015690 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 26 November – 2 December 2021 2 December MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-1712 Title withheld for the reason of confidential advice to Government 3 December MBIE
2122-2131 Title withheld for the reason of confidential advice to Government 7 December MBIE
2122-2110 / GOV-015807 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 3 – 9 December 2021 9 December MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-2185 Meeting with ACC Futures Coalition on 15 December 2021 14 December MBIE
2122-2153 Proactive release of Cabinet paper and briefings: 2022/23 – 2024/25 ACC Levies 16 December MBIE
2122-2146 Proactive release of Cabinet Legislation Committee paper for the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 16 December MBIE
2122-1980 Response to request for information: the impact of co-payments on rehabilitation rates 16 December MBIE
2122-2181 Proposed Review Framework on Schedule 2: List of Occupational Illnesses 16 December MBIE
2122-2222  / GOV-015693 Title withheld for the reason of confidential advice to Government 16 December MBIE, ACC
2122-2179 / GOV-015947 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 10 – 16 December 2021 16 December MBIE, Treasury, ACC

November 2021

Tracking number Title Date Author
2122-1522 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 1 November MBIE
2122-1649 Updated draft Cabinet paper: 2022/23 – 2024/25 ACC levies 3 November MBIE
2122-1680 / GOV-014988 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 29 October – 4 November 2021 4 November MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-1755 Updated draft Cabinet paper following ministerial consultation: 2022/23 – 2024/25 ACC levies 10 November MBIE
2122-1729 / GOV-015165 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 5 – 11 November 2021 11 November MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-1683 Aide memoire: Speaking notes for Cabinet Legislation Committee meeting on 25 November 2021 15 November MBIE
2122-1827 / GOV-015327 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the week 12 –18 November 2021 18 November MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-1292 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 18 November MBIE
2122-1791 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 19 November MBIE
2122-1703 Talking points for DEV meeting on 24 November 2021: 2022/23 – 2024/25 ACC levies 22 November MBIE
DOIA 2122-0523 Title withheld: privacy of natural persons 24 November MBIE
2122-1969 / GOV-015551 Weekly report for the Minister for ACC for the period from 19 – 25 November 2021 25 November MBIE, Treasury, ACC
2122-1911 Title withheld: confidential advice to Government 26 November MBIE
2122-1990 First reading material for the Accident Compensation (Maternal Birth Injury and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 30 November MBIE