Mihi from the Co-chairs
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Nau mai, haere mai, tauti mai
Ko tātau te hāpori o Otago, e mahi tahi ana
kia e ai ō tātau moemoeā, kia haka pakari ai
kā tākata katoa i te takiwā o Otago.
Tēnā koutou,
Tēnā koutou,
Tēnā tātou katoa
Nō māua te hōnore kia tū hei heamana tautoko mō tēnei mahi hirahira. E hīkaka ana māua I te whakatū o te Otago Regional Skills Leadership Group, nā ruka I kā whāika kua whakaaehia mō tēnei kaupapa huri noa i te rohe o Otago. He tau manahau tēnei i te whanaketaka o tēnei rīpoata, e tūrama arotahi ana i te nui o kā mahi me ka hiahia tou o te rohe.
Kua oti te whanake I te mahere ohaoha I roto I kā wāhaka matua e whā o te rohe. Mā tēnei mahere e āwhina te whakaine ā matau whanaketaka, e āwhina hoki ki te whakakīa kā hiahia, ka mutu he poutarāwaho ka hua mai hai tautāwhi I ētahi atu tūtaka haere ake nei te wā.
Ko te rōpū Matua Pūkenga Nui o Otago ka ū tonu atu ki kā urupare kua mana I te rakahau taunaki, mā tēnā ka whakamōhio ki kā hiahia mahi hei te anamata. Ka rerekē rawa ēnei hiahia anamata nā kā āhuataka ka puta I te haka o kā karetao, te hāngarau, te rerekētaka o te āhuarank, me te ōhaka tāhiko haere nei te wā, nā reira koinā kā take matua me whakaaroaro I tēnei wā.
Ka mōhiotia ki kā mahi hai whakaū I kā rarauka o kā kaupapa me whai waahi te iwi Māori. Arā te ōhaka Māori, me kā tūmanako o te iwi Māori kai roto I te Whanaketaka Ōhaka ki Otago. Kai te mahi mātau kia whai waahi tēnei rarauka I roto I kā Kaupapa o te Mahere Mahi a Rohe (RWP).
Ka miha kā kaimahi nā rātau i taunaki rawa tēnei Mahere Mahi a Rohe; kia tinanahia tēnei mahere, ā, ka aka whakamua te titiro me te hīkaka kia mahitahi ai ki kā kaimahi mō te tau e kainamu mai nei.
We both feel it is a privilege to be appointed as co-chairs to this important work and to have established the Otago Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG) membership and agreed goals for this kaupapa across the Otago region. It has been an exciting year developing this baseline report by shining a spotlight on labour supply and demand issues in the region.
Having developed our approach on the 4 major economic sectors in the region will assist in measuring our progress to influence their supply issues in future years as well as giving us a methodology to work with as we look at other sectors in the future.
The Otago RSLG remains committed to an evidence-based response to long-term future labour needs which will be radically different from current demands characterised by disruptive innovation including robotics and automation, climate change and necessary mitigations, and moving to an e-economy.
We are aware that work is going into ensuring data on Māori participation, the Māori economy, and Māori aspirations for Otago economic development are available, and are working to ensure these groundings are present in future iterations of the Regional Workforce Plan (RWP).
We thank the staff who have so ably supported this RWP to come to fruition and look forward with excitement on working with the RSLG members in the coming year.
Ngā mihi
Laura Black (co-chair)
Karen Coutts (iwi co-chair)
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