Wāhaka tuatoru: Ōtākou RSLG he tukanga | Chapter 3: Otago RSLG 2023 actions
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In our inaugural 2022 Regional Workforce Plan (RWP), the Otago RSLG set out 18 actions to support our vision for the region. Over the past 12 months, we have achieved a number of our objectives, advanced our thinking and reviewed our workplan. The revised actions below represents that.
We have also worked to ensure that our actions support the 3 themes identified, deliver on our aspirations, and reflect our extensive engagement in the region. We are now seeking to work on 9 action points, as described below. Progress on our actions from the 2022 RWP can be found in chapter 5.
Chapter 5: Advice, reporting and monitoring
Action 1
Lead a feasibility analysis for a potential regional solution that looks to mitigate skills shortages.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Building capability across the labour market
- Quality (and equality) of life
Action 2
Work with Otago Regional Economic Development (ORED), District Economic Development Agencies, Territorial Local Authorities and the Otago Mayoral Forum to ensure labour market collaboration across the region.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
Action 3
Advocate for Otago, our businesses, and our workers in our engagement with central government policy teams.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
Action 4
Gain a better understanding of Māori participation across the regional economy through data analysis and collaboration with mana whenua and Māori.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Building capability across the labour market
Action 5
Collaborate with education providers to ensure capability upskill in changing technologies is a priority in learning provision.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Building capability across the labour market
Action 6
Collaborate with groups that aim to better equip the Otago workforce for technological change.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Quality (and equality) of life
Action 7
Collaborate with regional initiatives that address clarity of pathways into, and through, employment.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Quality (and equality) of life
Action 8
Collaborate with initiatives that seek to innovate regional education and training provision and provide region-centric recommendations to vocational education system entities.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Building capability across the labour market
Action 9
Evaluate untapped potential in the Otago labour market to better understand the unique needs and barriers that exist which prevent/hinder participation in the workforce.
Alignment to aspirations
- Whole of region coordination
- Transformational change in education
- Quality (and equality) of life