Haka Ka Mate Attribution Act guidelines

Jointly with Ngāti Toa Rangatira, we have developed guidelines for the Haka Ka Mate Attribution Act 2014.

About the Act

We administer the Act. It provides an acknowledgement of the significance of the famous haka Ka Mate as a taonga of Ngāti Toa Rangatira, and as an integral part of its history, culture, and identity.

It also provides a right of attribution, requiring that where the haka is used in certain circumstances, the authorship of Ka Mate by Ngāti Toa Rangatira chief Te Rauparaha is acknowledged.

About the guidelines

The guidelines explain why the haka Ka Mate is of cultural importance to Ngāti Toa Rangatira.

They also provide advice on how to comply with the Act when using the words or associated actions and choreography of the haka Ka Mate in publications for commercial purposes, public communications and in films. The attribution requirement does not apply to:

  • public performances
  • uses for educational purposes
  • reporting on current events.

Haka Ka Mate Guidelines [PDF, 1 MB]