New Zealand Energy Quarterly – September 2021

The New Zealand Energy Quarterly provides quarterly data and analysis on energy supply, demand, prices and associated greenhouse gas emissions. This edition was released 10 December 2021.

Main highlights for this quarter

  • The renewable share was 83.6% up from 77.4% this time last year.
  • Hydro generation has increased 25% since last quarter and 8.2% on the same quarter last year, having had a dryer than usual past year.
  • Reflecting the improved hydro storage situation, we saw a 28% drop in non-renewable generation from this time last year. This was a result of a 27% drop in gas use, and 31% drop in coal use for electricity generation.
  • COVID related restrictions caused significant decreases in liquid fuel use for domestic transport, with petrol consumption decreasing by 23%, Diesel by 11% and JetA1 by 22%, compared to June Quarter 2021. These changes reflect similar decreases in greenhouse gas emissions from transport.
  • Retail prices for regular petrol have risen 7% over this time. Higher crude oil prices account for half of this increase at the pump. The rest can be attributed to higher Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) costs, GST and importer margin. The average price for retail diesel increased by 9%, and 12% for commercial diesel.

More information on the response to COVID-19 by the energy sector

For more detailed data, see the relevant page:

Last updated: 10 March 2022