What is the name of your organisation? |
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What type of organisation do you work in? (Business, Crown Research Institute, Independent research organisation, Te Pūkenga, University, Wānanga, Other (specify) |
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Are there any additional comments you would like to make about the research, science and innovation workforce? |
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Are you happy for us to contact you if we need to clarify or follow up any of your responses? If yes, please provide your contact details below. |
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Do you employ graduate students (Masters/PhD) to perform R&D activities in your business? (yes/no/unsure) |
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Does your business have knowledge of MBIE's Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund? (Yes – we have applied for funding, Yes – we have not applied for funding, No, Unsure, None of the above) |
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Does your institution have any of the following policies/programmes/initiatives to support staff professional development involved in research activities? Please select all that apply (Leadership development, Study/sabbatical leave, Training opportunities, Pay for staff to attend conferences, Coaching and mentoring programmes, Pay for staff to join professional networks, Don't know, None of the above, Other (please specify)) |
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Does your organisation have any of the following policies/programmes/initiatives to support the professional development of your R&D staff? Please select all that apply |
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Does your institution recruit or employ people from overseas to perform research activities? (Yes, No, Don’t know) |
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From your institution's perspective, what are the reasons for employing staff from overseas to perform research activities? |
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From your organisation's perspective, what are the reasons for employing staff from overseas to perform R&D activities? |
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How does your organisation support and grow its Māori cultural capability? |
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How does your organisation support or grow its Māori workforce's cultural capability? |
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How many early career researchers have the following types of employment arrangements in your organisation? |
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How many employees in your organisation working on research activities, by headcount, belong to the following ethnic groups? (European, Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, Middle Eastern/Latin American/African, Other Ethnicity, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees in your organisation working on research activities, by headcount, identify as: (Male, Female, Another gender, Don't know/data not collected |
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How many employees performing R&D in your organisation, by headcount, are based in the following regions? (Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui, Wellington, Tasman, Nelson, Marlborough, West Cost, Canterbury, Otago, Southland, Australia, Pacific, Outside New Zealand (not Australia or the Pacific), Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees performing R&D in your organisation, by headcount, belong to each of the following age groups? (< 30 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-65 years, > 65 years) |
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How many employees performing R&D in your organisation, by headcount, belong to the following ethnic groups? (European, Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, Middle Eastern/Latin American/African, Other Ethnicity, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees performing R&D in your organisation, by headcount, identify as: (Male, Female, Another gender, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees performing R&D in your organisation, by headcount, work in each of the following roles in your department? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working as commercialisation staff, by headcount, work in your organisation? (Total number, Female, Māori, Pacific Peoples, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities have the following types of employment arrangements in your institution? (Permanent, Fixed-term, Casual, Other) |
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How many employees working on research activities in your organisation, by headcount, belong to each of the following age groups? (< 30 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60-65 years, > 65 years) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as female have the following types of employment arrangements in your institution? (Permanent, Fixed-term, Casual, Other) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as female, by FTE, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as female, by headcount, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Māori have the following types of employment agreements in your institution? (Permanent, Fixed-term, Casual, Other) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Māori, by FTE, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Māori, by headcount, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Pacific Peoples have the following types of employment agreements in your institution? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Pacific Peoples, by FTE, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities who identify as Pacific Peoples, by headcount, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many employees working on research activities, by headcount, work in each of the following roles in your organisation? (Senior leadership/ Management, Research staff, Technical staff, Support staff, Research commercialisation staff, Other, Don't know/data not collected) |
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How many research staff who identify as female, by headcount, work in the following areas? (Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Computing, Health sciences, Law and Business, Science, Other) |
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How many research staff who identify as Māori, by headcount, work in the following areas? (Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Computing, Health sciences, Law and Business, Science, Other) |
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How many research staff who identify as Pacific Peoples, by headcount, work in the following areas? (Arts and Social Sciences, Engineering and Computing, Health sciences, Law and Business, Science, Other) |
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Please indicate the number of research students (either Masters or PhD) being mentored/co-supervised in your organisation |
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Please outline any policies/practices in your organisation that help staff understand and give effect to MBIE’s Vision Mātauranga policy |
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Please outline any policies/programmes in your organisation that support equity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace |
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What are the barriers for your organisation to recruiting and retaining domestic staff to perform R&D activities? |
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What are the barriers to recruiting and retaining domestic staff involved in research activities for your institution? |
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What are the barriers to recruiting and retaining overseas staff to perform R&D activities for your organisation? |
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What are the barriers to recruiting and retaining overseas staff to perform research activities for your institution? |
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What opportunities does your institution offer to support early career researchers? Please select all that apply (Pay to attend relevant conferences, Fellowship positions, Coaching and mentoring programmes, Industry training grants/support, Career development support, Don't know/data not collected, None of the above, Other (please specify). |
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What opportunities does your organisation offer to support graduate students? Please select all that apply. (Payment to attend conferences, Fellowship positions, Coaching and mentoring programmes, Industry training grants/support, Career development support, Opportunities for permanent employment, Don't know/data not collected, None of the above) |
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What policies/programmes in your organisation support employee wellbeing? |
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What policies/programmes in your organisation support employees identifying as Pacific Peoples? |
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What support has been provided by your organisation for its employees in response to COVID-19? |
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Which of the following best describes your business? (Small business – 0 to 19 FTE employees, Medium business – 20 to 49 FTE employees, Large business – 50 or more FTE employees) |
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