Tāpiritanga D: Ngā Tūtohi Tāpiri | Appendix D: Additional Tables

Table 11: Employee numbers based on gender in organisations by headcount

Gender Business (49) Research organisations (43) Tertiary education
(SDR - 27)
Total (119)
n % n % n % n %
Male 332 76% 2,525 51% 17,260 40% 20,117 41%
Female 102 24% 2,428 49% 26,015 60% 28,545 58%
Another gender 0 0% 0 0% 410 1% 410 1%
Don't know /
data not collected
0 0% 6 0% 0 0% 6 0%
Total 434 100% 4,959 100% 43,685 100% 49,078 100%
  1. 92 individual organisations responded to this question in the survey and 27 organisations were included in the MoE Single Data Return
  2. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey.

Table 12: Employee numbers based on age by headcount

(SDR - 27)
Survey and
SDR organisations
Total NZ
n % n % n % n % n %
< 30 years 84 20% 490 10% 7,240 17% 7,730 16% 681,400 24%
30-49 years 168 39% 2,277 48% 19,140 44% 21,417 44% 1,155,200 41%
50-59 years 72 17% 1,074 22% 9,475 22% 10,549 22% 543,900 19%
60-65 years 22 5% 443 9% 3,770 9% 4,213 9% 217,400 8%
> 65 years 7 2% 276 6% 3,220 7% 3,496 7% 194,400 7%
Don't know /
data not collected
77 18% 215 5% 840 2% 1,055 2% N/A N/A
Total 430 100% 4,775 100% 43,685 100% 48,460 100% 2,792,300 100%
  1. 91 individual organisations responded to this question in the survey and 27 organisations were included in the MoE Single Data Return
  2. * The category of 30-49 years is merged to compare with the MoE SDR data
  3. Data Sources: Workforce Organisations Survey, MoE Single Data Return, and Stats NZ Household Labour Force Survey.

Table 13: Employee numbers based on ethnicity by headcount

Ethnicity Total population (2018 census) Business (49) Research organisations (45) Tertiary education (SDR - 27)
n % n % n % n %
European 3,297,864 70% 253 76% 2,950 68.40% 22,485 51%
Māori 775,836 17% 10 3% 203 4.71% 4,595 11%
Asian 707,598 15% 42 13% 449 10.41% 5,545 13%
Pacific Peoples 381,642 8% 4 1% 40 0.93% 1,620 4%
MELAA 70,332 2% 15 5% 126 2.92% * 0%
Other Ethnicity 58,053 1% 8 2% 138 3.20% 2,570 6%
Don't know / data not collected N/A N/A 0 0% 407 9.44% 6,870 16%
Total 4,699,755 113% 332 100% 4,313 100.01% 43,685 100%
  1. 94 individual organisations responded to this question in the survey and 27 organisations were included in the MoE Single Data Return
  2. * Included under 'Other Ethnicity'
  3. Note: Total Population for 2018 Census is calculated as 4,699,755 and this number is used when calculating percentages. As individuals can self identify as more than one ethnicity percentage adds up to more than 100 per cent.
  4. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey, MoE Single Data Return, and 2018 New Zealand Census data.

Table 14: Employment arrangements by organisation type

Employment arrangement Research organisation (36) Tertiary education (11) University (8)
n % n % n %
Permanent 4,223 86% 6,017 45% 5,733 46%
Fixed-term 397 8% 4,482 34% 4,378 35%
Casual 223 5% 2,313 17% 1,965 16%
Other 45 1% 420 3% 420 3%
Total 4,888 100% 13,232 100% 12,496 100%
  1. 47 organisations responded to this question
  2. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey.

Table 15: Overseas recruitment by organisation type

Overseas recruitment Business (49) Research organisations (42) Tertiary education (11)
n % n % n %
Yes 15 31% 24 57% 8 73%
No 33 67% 18 43% 3 27%
Unsure 1 2% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 49 100% 42 100% 11 100%
  1. 102 organisations responded to this question
  2. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey.

Table 16: Business knowledge of MBIE's Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund

 Response Business (44) Tertiary education (2) Other (2)
Yes - We applied for funding 2 1 0
Yes - We have not applied for funding 19 0 2
No 22 0 0
Unsure 1 1 0
  1. 48 organisations responded to this question
  2. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey.

Table 17: Support for staff professional development by organisation type

Professional development support types  Business (47) Research organisation (38) Tertiary education (11) Total (96)
n % n % n % n %
Pay for staff to attend conferences 28 60% 29 76% 9 82% 66 69%
Training opportunities 27 57% 27 71% 9 82% 63 66%
Pay for staff to join professional networks 23 49% 27 71% 9 82% 59 61%
Coaching and mentoring programmes 19 40% 21 55% 9 82% 49 51%
Leadership development 14 30% 21 55% 8 73% 43 45%
Study/sabbatical leave 6 13% 15 39% 10 91% 31 32%
Other 0 0% 4 11% 3 27% 7 7%
None of the above 9 19% 3 8% 0 0% 12 13%
Don't know 1 2% 0 0% 1 9% 2 2%
  1. 96 organisations responded to this question
  2. Data Source: Workforce Organisations Survey.