Vision and principles
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The vision of the TDLG is to lead the direction of a world-class tourism data system.
Mā Māori mo te katoa
- What is good for Maori is good for all
- Recognition of Stats NZ Data Strategy Principles (agreed with the Data iwi Leaders group)
Respect and uphold the mana and dignity of the people, whānau, communities and groups who share their data and information.
Mana Whakahaere
Empower people by giving them a choice and enabling their access to, and use of, their data and information.
A shared culture of respect, guardianship, care and protection for data as a strategic and value resource, recognising that for some Māori, Māori data is a taonga and iwi-Māori are kaitiaki over their taonga.
Leadership that focuses on common purpose whilst also respecting the autonomy and independence of individuals, groups and agencies.
Strong transparent relationships through respect, integrity, empathy and commitment to the Kaupapa.
Initiatives contribute towards the TDLG’s overarching goal and one or more of the TDLG pou, as well as existing sector strategies defining the tourism data landscape (e.g., New Zealand-Aotearoa Government Tourism Strategy).
Initiatives meet the needs (including capability building) of a range of users (e.g., industry, local government, iwi/hapū), and/or users who are not currently well catered to.
Innovation is strongly encouraged across all stages of related work (from data collection to access and dissemination, inclusive of capability building).
Development and maintenance of collaborative sector relationships that will enable a sustainable system in the future.