About the Tourism Data Leadership Group

The TDLG was established in 2022 following the 2019 Tourism Information and Data Hui to assist in strengthening the overall tourism data system.

The TDLG's role

The central purpose of the TDLG is to provide a collaborative forum that recognises the information needs of Aotearoa's diverse set of tourism data users and identifies possible enhancements and improvements that will enable a world class tourism data system. Tourism data users include industry, central and local government, communities, iwi, interest groups, researchers, and academics.

The broader purpose of the TDLG is to:

  • Provide advice on the current and future collection, dissemination and understanding of tourism-related data and insights, based on an agreed strategy by and for the diverse set of tourism data users.
  • Recommend the collection of tourism data and correlated insights for the benefit of the tourism sector and policy development.
  • Recommend what the priority needs are for future investment in tourism data and the infrastructure and processes required for its management.
  • Identify the allocation of financial, in-kind and data contributions to priority tourism projects and work streams.
  • Adhere to the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in its work and its interaction with stakeholders and MBIE.

Commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi

The TDLG in establishing this strategic business plan, and in particular its key areas of focus and decision- making has adopted the approach Ma Māori mo te katoa (by Māori for all). This Te Ao Māori perspective assumes that what is good for Māori is good for all in Aotearoa. The TDLG is therefore motivated to ensure it works in partnership with Māori to realise the treaty principles and give practical effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Te Tiriti underpins decision-making in Aotearoa and our interactions with each other. The TDLG vision that supports “…better decision making, long-term value gains, and sustainability for the benefit of all New Zealanders” reflects the heart of Te Tiriti; that of a relationship of mutual respect and prosperity. As such, the TDLG acknowledges the unique and special place of Māori as tangata whenua. The TDLG recognises the responsibility to ensure its work appropriately acknowledges and supports Māori values, expectations, and equitable outcomes for Māori.

TDLG's agreed scope

Consistent with the United Nations for World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) approach, tourism is differentiated from travel - “tourism comprises the

activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes".

The plan is consistent with the Tourism Data Domain Plan (section 1.3), where domestic and inbound tourism is in scope, and outbound tourism is out of scope.