Liquid fuel market

This section covers oil security, the oil emergency response strategy, engine fuel quality, biofuels, the Fuel Market Financial Performance Study 2017 and duties, taxes and direct levies on motor fuels.

In this section

Fuel security in New Zealand

Our fuel supply resilience remains critical to business operations across the economy and to social connections. The Government works closely with the fuel sector to ensure the fuel supply chain in New Zealand can manage domestic or international disruptions.

Duties, taxes and direct levies on motor fuels in New Zealand

This page has current charges and levies on motor fuels in New Zealand.

Monitoring the petrol excise duty reduction

MBIE are monitoring fuel company margins to determine whether the reduction to petrol excise duty, as well as any consequent GST reduction, is being passed through to consumers in a manner that is expected in a competitive market.

Engine fuel quality

Petrol, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel and biofuel blend quality in New Zealand is governed by a set of regulations designed to protect consumers and the environment.

Biofuels and the sustainable biofuel obligation

Biofuels are any fuel produced from biological matter or 'biomass'. This can include agricultural and forestry crops and residues, organic by-products, and waste. Biofuels can help reduce emissions and contribute towards meeting Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate targets.

Fuel Market Financial Performance Study 2017

In our report back to the Minister of Energy and Resources we agreed with the findings of the 2017 Fuel Market Financial Performance Study that further examination of the sector is warranted.

Crown Minerals Act regime

The Crown Minerals Act 1991 sets out the broad legislative framework for the issuing of permits to prospect, explore and mine Crown-owned minerals within New Zealand. More information about the regime is available on the New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals website.