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Consultation on new practitioners for registered health professional and treatment provider definitions Closed: 05 May 2017, 5pm

We consulted on proposed regulations to add new health occupational groups to the definitions of registered health professional and treatment provider under the Accident Compensation Act 2001 (AC Act).

Managing financial risk from current and future wells Closed: 28 April 2017, 5pm

We invite you to submit your views on the questions and proposals set out in this consultation document, Managing third party risk exposure from onshore petroleum wells.

Exposure draft and transitional arrangements consultation Closed: 31 March 2017, 5pm

We are consulting on an exposure draft and transitional arrangements for the Financial Services Amendment Bill.

Consultation on standards proposed to be incorporated into the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations Closed: 10 March 2017, 5pm

We are currently consulting on a number of standards proposed to be incorporated into the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations, to be made later this year.

Subsequent consultation on the gas levy Closed: 06 March 2017, 5pm

MBIE data indicates that not all the gas that should be subject to the levy is having levy paid on it. This may be because there are some practical issues for levy payers in accurately applying the requirements of the legislation due to information barriers. There may also be some ambiguity about who the legislation makes liable to pay the levy in some complex supply chain situations. This consultation seeks your feedback on these issues and on several options for shifting the point in the supply chain where liability sits to mitigate the issues.

Consultation on proposed changes to the Unit Titles Act 2010 Closed: 03 March 2017, 5pm

We are seeking your feedback on proposed changes to the Unit Titles Act 2010 (the UTA).

Further consultation on fixed line communications services (February 2017) Closed: 03 March 2017, 5pm

Following consideration of submissions on the Options Paper, the Government has now resolved a package of reform for fixed line services.

Earthquake-prone building regulations and methodology Closed: 10 February 2017, 5pm

We are consulting on the regulations and a methodology that set the new approach for identifying and managing earthquake-prone buildings.

Draft replacement New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy Closed: 07 February 2017, 5pm

We are consulting on the draft replacement New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS).

Retail payment systems issues paper Closed: 20 January 2017, 5pm

We are seeking written submissions on the issues raised in a retail payment systems issues paper.