Consultation on exposure draft Insurance Contracts Bill
Submissions closed: 04 May 2022, 5pmWe recently sought feedback on the draft Insurance Contracts Bill, which reforms and modernises New Zealand’s insurance contract law.
On this page
The draft Bill gives effect to policy decisions made by the Government in November 2019.
We sought feedback on whether the drafting of the Bill achieves the policy intent or could have unintended consequences.
For further information in relation to our review of insurance contract law, please visit:
Consultation documents
Consultation Paper: Exposure draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 710KB]
Insurance Contracts Bill: Draft for consultation [PDF 464KB]
Submission template: Exposure draft Insurance Contracts Bill [DOCX 31KB]
Improving Insurance Contract Law [PDF 413KB]
Quick submission template: Improving Insurance Contract Law [DOCX 18KB]
Consultation submissions
Unimed: Submission on Exposure Draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 551KB]
Jessica Downward: Submission on Exposure Draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 647KB]
TG Legal Services: Submission on Exposure Draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 841KB]
SurveyMonkey: Submission on Exposure Draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 126KB]
Financial Advice New Zealand: Submission on Exposure Draft Insurance Contracts Bill [PDF 845KB]
Last updated: 22 February 2024