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Business and employment
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Regional Skills Leadership Groups
Tai Tokerau
Regional Workforce Plans
Te Purunga ki Te Raki Regional Workforce Plan
Te taiao - Ensuring recovery from COVID-19 -related workforce impacts and building resilience to climate change and economic disruption
Te Purunga ki Te Raki Regional Workforce Plan
- Mihi and Co-Chair introductions
- Te Purunga ki Te Raki RSLG Taitokerau Mātauranga Māori
- Introduction and regional context
- Te taiao - Ensuring recovery from COVID-19 -related workforce impacts and building resilience to climate change and economic disruption
- Mātauranga - supporting a productive economy through regional workforce planning and labour market intelligence in core backbone economic sectors
- He tāngata – supporting skills and training opportunities to enable whānau aspirations, especially wāhine
- Action plan and roadmap
- RWP Monitoring Framework
- Membership and engagement
Te taiao - Ensuring recovery from COVID-19 -related workforce impacts and building resilience to climate change and economic disruption
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Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa
Remain close together, not far apart (unity and togetherness)