Check out our supporting documents
To support and affirm what we have heard from people throughout our region we have created a ‘Data Snapshot’ document comprised of quantitative data and further supplementary qualitative data. We have also given a progress update on existing actions from our 2022 Regional Workforce Plan (RWP).
On this page

2 female nurses wearing masks, looking at the camera, standing in the hallway of the Gisborne Hospital
In this section
Regional data snapshot
CARE-RSLG's Regional Workforce Plan refresh
Published with support from the New Zealand Government. This document should not be used as a substitute for legislation or legal advice. Information, examples and answers to your questions about the topics covered here can be found on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website below, or by calling MBIE free on 0800 20 90 20.
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
Print - 978-1-991092-08-3 Online - 978-1-991092-09-0
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