Tō tātou ao tuku mahi | Our labour market

Our labour market environment has not changed significantly since we developed our workforce plan.

The labour market has continued to tighten with Marlborough experiencing the lowest unemployment rate (0.3%) and underutilisation rate (5.5%) in the country for the March 2023 quarter [1]. These figures are estimates due to the small sample size. The small sample size also means there are no Marlborough figures available for Māori employment and youth aged 15-24 years who are not in employment, education, or training.

The lack of regional information limits our ability to identify gaps and plan solutions to workforce and skills challenges, particularly for these priority groups. Generally, the quantitative evidence base for workforce and skills in Marlborough is poor or non-existent. In our Marlborough Regional Workforce Outlook 2023 overarching advice to the Tertiary Education Commission, we recommended creating an evidence base to inform decision making and monitor change.

Marlborough Regional Workforce Outlook 2023

See our Environmental Scan and 2022 RWP for additional information about our labour market and skills requirements.    

Environmental Scan [PDF, 978KB](external link)

Regional workforce plan 2022


[1] Stats NZ, Household Labour Force Survey, March 2023 quarter

Last updated: 20 June 2023