Te tirohanga ope mahi ā-rohe mō ā mātou rāngai arotahi | Regional workforce outlook for our focus sectors
This outlook identifies the workforce needs that are strategically important for our region and emerging trends and opportunities that may impact labour supply and demand in Marlborough. This information was included in our annual advice to the Tertiary Education Commission.
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Harvest at Hans Herzog vineyard
Jessica Jones and Hans Herzog
This information was included in our annual advice to the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to help focus their funding decisions for 2024. We also developed this advice for:
- work development Councils (WDCs)
- Tertiary Education Organisations
- our other partners
- our community.
Our overarching advice had 9 themes:
- Fund Mā Māori Mō Māori, ki a Māori solutions
- Create an evidence base to inform decision making and monitor change
- Maintain and broaden existing provision
- Improve tertiary education provider marketing, school, and industry engagement
- Expand the focus beyond school leavers
- Support sufficient and suitable programmes for managers, team leaders and supervisors
- Support for employers and learners engaged in work-based learning
- Develop a multi-trade facility at the Te Pūkenga campus in Budge Street, Blenheim
- Invest in programmes where there are low learner numbers but there is a strategic, equity or regional need
The following summarises our advice on the workforce needs for our 5 focus sectors as well as emerging sectors in Marlborough.