Timeframe: short, medium and long term
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Grow digital technology skills and capability, particularly for rangatahi Māori, to transform the regional economy to one that is high value, and high income – improving prosperity for individuals, whānau/family, and hapori/communities, throughout the region.
Inspire rangatahi to choose STEM subjects at school, and STEM tertiary education and employment pathways
- Map/amplify existing initiatives such as Ko Maui Hangarau and Māori STEAM tours.
- ‘Light up’ STEM pathways through quality career advice, exposure and experience.
Expected outcomes
- Increase in students studying STEM subjects at school/tertiary and choosing STEM employment.
- Increase in levels of New Zealand curriculum key (five) competency achievement.
- Increase in whānau/community awareness of STEM pathways.
- Increase in students studying STEM subjects at kura, wānanga, marae.
Key stakeholders
- Employers/industries with growing digital technology skills requirements
- Schools and Kāhui Ako (compulsory education)
- Regional economic development agencies
- Tertiary education providers
- Ministry of Education
- Kōhanga reo, Kura, Wānanga, marae and whenua Māori owners
Increase household internet access across the Bay of Plenty beginning with the Eastern Bay of Plenty, with a focus on households with tamariki and rangatahi.
Expected outcomes
- Increase in proportion of households in the Eastern Bay of Plenty with internet access (with benefits to community and individual social capital).
Key stakeholders
- Rural Broadband Initiative
- Toi EDA Digital Connectively Collective
- Ministry of Education
- Kāinga Ora
- Telcos
- Hapū and iwi Rūnanga
- Te Puni Kōkiri
- Toi Kai Rawa
Grow workforce digital capability through increasing availability and access to tailored industry-led, micro-credential training designed by employers and delivered in the workplace.
Expected outcomes
- Increased employer/industry demand for micro-credentials that provide digital skills training.
- Increased workforce digital upskilling, and micro-credentials awarded.
Key stakeholders
- Industry/employers
- Unions/workers
- Toi Mai WDC
- Tertiary education providers
- TPK, Māori Business Networks, Wānanga