Our focus for the next 12 months

Our Regional Workforce Whare comprises two sides or pou made up of Tāngata Aotearoa (whānau; hapū; iwi and Māori communities); and Tāngata o Niu Tīreni (everyone else, including Māori communities in the context of Article 3 of Te Tiriti).
The actions listed on this page as well as the full list of actions (immediate, short, medium and long) listed on the next few pages exist within the context of this Regional Workforce Whare.
Tāngata Aotearoa Ngā Wawata
- Research and build a complete picture of whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori labour patterns.
- Identify potential Māori groups/clusters that could develop in-house micro-credential programmes.
- Develop a business case for a Tuakana-Teina programme that ensures rangatahi Māori flourish with the guidance of pakeke and kaumātua.
- Provide resources to whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori to research and assess/ analyse issues, problems and barriers.
- Support and resource hapū, iwi and hapori to grow their workforce digital capability through increasing availability and access to tailored industry led micro-credential training designed by employers and delivered in the workplace.
- The RSLG encourages whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori to work with the collective impact group and BOPTIS partners to refresh map of current tertiary education provision in BOP.
- He Pou Tāngata o Aotearoa partners inform/co-design with local place-based providers to create a stocktake/map of place-based transition programmes in the BOP that pathway residents from education to training, employment or higher education.
- RSLG partners with hapū and iwi to consider the findings from Bay of Plenty Tertiary Intentions.
- Strategy and identifies any outstanding recommendations regarding transitions support and pathways that the RSLG can support for delivery.
- Support hapū, iwi and hapori Māori communities to seek wider provision and uptake of MSD licensing programmes.
Climate change
- Enable and facilitate climate adaptation and workforce resilience discussions between Iwi, community, and industry to identify actions they can take now.
- Partner with Iwi/hapū and Māori employers around their approaches to worker support and look for opportunities to improve Māori resilience. This may include supporting growth and scaling of their efforts.
Tāngata Niu Tīreni Aspirations | Immediate and short term actions
- Research to build a complete picture of the seasonality patterns across BOP to then validate if under-employment is an issue or an opportunity.
- Identify potential groups/clusters that could develop in-house micro-credential programmes.
- Develop a business case for a mentor/learner in-house programme; with older workers sharing skills/learning with newer/younger workers.
- Research to better identify what the real and perceived barriers are.
- Grow workforce digital capability through increasing availability and access to tailored industry-led, micro-credential training designed by employers and delivered in the workplace.
- RSLG works with proposed collective impact group and BOPTIS partners to refresh map of current tertiary education provision in BOP.
- RSLG works with local place-based providers to create a stocktake map of place-based transition programmes in the BOP that pathways residents from education to training, employment or higher education.
- RSLG considers the findings from Bay of Plenty Tertiary Intentions Strategy and identifies any outstanding recommendations regarding transitions support and pathways that the RSLG can support for delivery, e.g. Education New Zealand’s pathways mapping portal.
- Support wider provision and uptake of licensing programmes.
Climate change
- Facilitate climate adaptation and workforce resilience discussions between iwi, community and industry to identify actions they can take now; including education and employment related actions e.g linking rangatahi to relevant tertiary courses, scholarships, internships, and work experience.
- Partner with Iwi/hapū and Māori employers around their approaches to worker support and look for opportunities to improve Māori resilience. This may include supporting growth and scaling of their efforts.