Climate change

Timeframe: short and medium term

Educate and train industry and student leaders in climate change impacts and identify opportunities where immediate actions can be taken to reduce climate impacts, accelerate current circular economy initiatives and begin to adapt the BOP workforce.

Support climate change/adaptation and workforce impacts training, that is

  • Values focused.
  • Made available at governance and management levels for employers.
  • Should include tools (inventory of impacts, emissions calculators).

Enable attendees to undertake immediate actions within their organisations.

Facilitate climate adaptation and workforce resilience discussions between iwi, community and industry to identify actions they can take now; including education and employment-related actions e.g. linking rangatahi to relevant tertiary courses, scholarships, internships, and work experience.

Undertake industry and region-specific scans to identify medium to long term circular economy opportunities in BOP, including finding ways to support initiatives where companies or communities are already adapting to the impacts of climate change and creating employment.