Context – the BuiltReady scheme
A high performing building and construction industry is crucial to Aotearoa/New Zealand's economy and vital for delivering safe, healthy, and durable buildings for everyone.
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The building and construction industry is innovating by making use of manufacturing technology and processes to increase productivity. These advances help deliver precise, repeatable, and consistent construction, resulting in high quality products with fewer defects.
The Building Amendment Act 2021 introduced a new voluntary certification scheme for modular component manufacturers called BuiltReady, which enables modular component manufacturers to be certified and registered to design and/or manufacture modular building components to establish compliance with the Building Code.
Under the BuiltReady scheme, the entire prefabricated construction process from design (where applicable), manufacture, assembly, transportation, and on-site installation of modular components will be assessed and certified. BuiltReady manufacturers will benefit in most cases from reduced inspections and faster, more consistent building consent applications. This will aid in reducing costs, barriers and on-site building time.
The BuiltReady scheme operates under the legislative framework provided by the Building Act 2004 – the Building (Modular Component Manufacturer Scheme) Regulations 2022 (the Regulations) and specific BuiltReady scheme rules. As the scheme rules are only one part of the legislative framework for the BuiltReady scheme, they should be read in conjunction with the Building Act and supporting regulations.
The Regulations and the BuiltReady scheme rules commenced on 7 September 2022.
For more information on the BuiltReady scheme, please visit:
BuiltReady(external link) — Building Performance
What’s changing and why
MBIE is proposing new scheme rules that aim to provide greater clarity and consistency for scheme participants around the use of a new BuiltReady brand and the manufacturer’s certificate template. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from affected parties on whether the proposed scheme rules below are suitable and can be implemented by scheme participants.
The BuiltReady brand
Along with the CodeMark and BuiltReady certification schemes, MBIE also administers MultiProof, which is a statement by the MBIE that a set of plans and specifications for a building complies with the Building Code. CodeMark, BuiltReady and MultiProof all provide evidence of compliance with the Building Code for building consent authorities. The aim of the 3 schemes is to alleviate pressure in the consenting system by providing streamlined, robust and trustworthy compliance options for manufacturers, suppliers, builders, designers and consumers.
With the introduction of the BuiltReady scheme in September 2022, MBIE needed to create a new brand name and visual identity for the scheme. This provided an opportunity to also review and propose new brand visual identities for the CodeMark product certification scheme and MultiProof.
As government backed schemes, the 3 schemes provide confidence that innovative building products, building methods and designs have been rigorously evaluated and their performance monitored. Certified users of the BuiltReady and CodeMark schemes can also use the new brands for advertising and marketing purposes.
The new brands for BuiltReady, CodeMark and MultiProof (in the image below) are visually linked, which provides a cohesive identity across the 3 schemes, as they all can be used together as deemed to comply pathways. For example, a CodeMark certified building product could be used in conjunction with a MultiProof design approval or a BuiltReady manufacturer’s certificate to reduce the consent processing time, and even the number of inspections a building consent authority may require. CodeMark, BuiltReady and MultiProof also provide marketing advantages for participants.
The BuiltReady brand is a registered trade mark.

MBIE is proposing new scheme rules that set out requirements for how the BuiltReady brand can be used by scheme participants. It is proposed that Schedule 1: Use of the BuiltReady brand is added to the scheme rules that sets out the use of the BuiltReady brand including formatting requirements if a scheme participant chooses to use the BuiltReady brand for marketing and advertising purposes.
Scheme participants are not required to use the BuiltReady brand – however, if one of the scheme participants chooses to use the BuiltReady brand, they must follow the relevant scheme rules contained in Schedule 1.
The proposed Schedule 1: Use of the BuiltReady brand is contained in the appendix, in the PDF version of this document:
Manufacturer’s certificates
Under the BuiltReady scheme, registered manufacturers are able to issue certificates to support building consent applications. So long as the certificate issued is for a component that is covered by the manufacturer’s scope of certification, this certificate establishes compliance with the Building Code.
For more detail on how manufacturer’s certificates are used as part of the building consent process, please visit: BuiltReady step-by-step guides
BuiltReady step by step guides(external link) — Building Performance
MBIE is proposing that registered manufacturers must use the provided template to ensure consistency and clarity across certificates, which will aid building consent authorities, builders, designers and consumers to identify and understand BuiltReady manufacturer’s certificates. It will also mean that manufacturers have clearer understanding of the requirements for the information that needs to be provided for the modular components that fall within scope of their certification.