Applications opened on 1 November 2022 for the Creative and Cultural Events Incubator investment fund which provides up to $300,000 to events that highlight New Zealand’s diverse culture and build national pride.
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Manahua te mānehurangi – Take charge of your destiny.
The glossary contains te reo Māori words and phrases that are commonly used in the Action Plan.
The actions in the Action Plan are split into immediate actions, medium-term actions and long-term actions.
Māori thrive in workplaces with good conditions and are free from discrimination.
We are the lead government agency responsible for coordinating the Crown Māori Economic Strategy and Action Plan.
Vision: Māori exercise rangatiratanga to create intergenerational wellbeing through work.
The whakapapa of the Action Plan shows the process for how te Mahere Whai Mahi Māori was developed and where it is going.