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Code of Conduct for Financial Advice Services Closed: 30 April 2018, 5pm

The Financial Advice Code Working Group has published a consultation paper regarding the new Code of Conduct for Financial Advice Services and is seeking submissions.

Product Safety Policy Statement - Button Batteries; safer products and packaging Closed: 20 October 2017, 5pm

We are consulting on a product safety policy statement to help industry improve the safety of products containing button batteries and packaging for new button batteries.

NZ Response to Foreign Margin Requirements for OTC Derivatives Closed: 24 August 2017, 5pm

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment have started a public consultation on the implications for New Zealand of foreign margin requirements for over-the-counter derivatives.

Report No. 2 – Voidable transactions, Ponzi schemes and other corporate insolvency matters Closed: 23 June 2017, 5pm

We are seeking feedback on the recommendations contained in the Insolvency Working Group’s Report No. 2. This report covers voidable transactions, Ponzi schemes and other corporate insolvency matters. We are also seeking further feedback on an outstanding recommendation from Report No. 1, on whether to introduce a director identification number.

Exposure draft and transitional arrangements consultation Closed: 31 March 2017, 5pm

We are consulting on an exposure draft and transitional arrangements for the Financial Services Amendment Bill.

Retail payment systems issues paper Closed: 20 January 2017, 5pm

We are seeking written submissions on the issues raised in a retail payment systems issues paper.

Targeted Review of the Commerce Act 1986 - Cross-submissions Closed: 21 July 2016, 5pm

We consulted on an Issues Paper as part of a targeted review of the Commerce Act 1986. This page has the 25 cross-submissions we received.

Targeted Review of the Commerce Act - Submissions Closed: 09 February 2016, 5pm

On 17 November 2015, the Government released an issues paper concerning section 36 of the Commerce Act 1986, as well as the cease and desist regime and a possible new 'market studies' power.