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Australia and New Zealand PEPPOL Localisation Consultation Closed: 14 August 2019, 7pm

The purpose of this consultation is to get feedback on proposed country specific localisation requirements, to enable the exchange of e-Invoices in Australia and New Zealand using the PEPPOL international interoperability framework.

Review of insurance contract law – Options paper consultation Closed: 28 June 2019, 11:59pm

Consultation is now closed on the Insurance Contract Law Options Paper.

Conduct of financial institutions review Closed: 07 June 2019, 11:59pm

Consultation is now closed on the insurance contract law options paper.

Review of section 36 of the Commerce Act and other matters Closed: 01 April 2019, 9am

Consultation on the review of section 36 of the Commerce Act relating to the misuse of market power, along with other minor changes began on 25 January 2019 and closed on 1 April 2019.

Consultation on proposed Government Procurement Rules 4th Edition Closed: 05 March 2019, 5pm

We consulted government agencies, suppliers and interested public to get their feedback on the 4th edition of the Government Procurement Rules before we presented suggested amendments to Government.

Consultation on proposed Supplier Code of Conduct Closed: 19 February 2019, 5pm

In our role as procurement functional lead, we have been working on a Supplier Code of Conduct.

Trans-Tasman electronic invoicing framework Closed: 16 November 2018, 5pm

The Australian and New Zealand governments are seeking public consultation on a joint initiative for the electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) operational governance proposal.

Consultation on draft Code of Conduct October–November 2018 Closed: 09 November 2018, 5pm

During October-November 2018 we consulted on a draft Code of Conduct for Financial Advice. Consultation closed on 9 November 2018.

Product Safety – Foam-filled furniture: reducing harm from fire Closed: 31 October 2018, 11pm

We are seeking your comment on the proposal in introduce a Product Safety Policy Statement for foam-filled furniture to help reduce the potential harm caused by domestic fires.

Increasing the transparency of the beneficial ownership of New Zealand Companies and Limited Partnerships Closed: 03 August 2018, 5pm

We are seeking your views on what requirements there should be on New Zealand companies and limited partnerships to hold and disclose information about their beneficial owners.