Make information and support available to employers

Action 2: Make information and support available to employers to source, retain, progress and upskill people from our priority communities.

Investigate an effective employer-facing mechanism to promote services, share good practice and help employers navigate existing systems and supports

Focus area: All

Timeframe: Year 1

Provide information that helps employers to source, recruit, progress staff by:

  • Making our priority communities visible to employers
  • Suggesting inclusive recruitment practices and encourage diverse short lists
  • Co-ordinating and promoting existing not-for-profit employment services (and Skills Hubs) to employers
  • Sharing good practice stories
  • Identifying and promoting business models that maximise efficiency and utilisation of workforce

Focus area: Maximise workforce

Timeframe: Year 1-3

Encourage collaboration between large employers and local Iwi

Focus area: Maximise workforce

Timeframe: Year 1-3

Use sector stakeholder groups (see Action #1) as a way of sharing workforce information and best practice with employers in the priority sectors

Focus area: Maximise workforce

Timeframe: Year 2-3

Provide information that helps employers to develop, upskill and reskill existing staff

Focus area: Skills development

Timeframe: Year 2-3

Explore programmes that could assist SMEs to develop skills in good employment practices

Focus area: Skills development

Timeframe: Year 2-3

Share information about how workplaces can be more inclusive for kaimahi Māori

Focus area: Thriving workplaces

Timeframe: Year 2

Assist employers to create a workplace that fosters worker well-being by:

  • Helping build skills and cultural capability to manage and include a diverse workforce
  • Providing information about programmes and services (such as Disability Confidence)
  • Promoting flexible working arrangements and other measure that meet the needs of priority communities
  • Sharing good practice stories and tools
  • Advocating the Living Wage as a minimum

Focus area: Thriving workplaces

Timeframe: Year 2-3

Help employers create ‘youth friendly’ workplaces:

  • Liaise with the youth caucus
  • Identify existing programmes and tools that could be shared

Focus area: Supporting young people

Timeframe: Year 1-3