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Oritetanga | Equity
Every person in the Waikato should receive the support they need to succeed in education and achieve decent and rewarding employment to lead fulfilling lives.
He Tangata | People
Our people are our greatest asset with their health and wellbeing as a priority.
Whakangungu Ahumahi | Industry Training
We focus on key sectors of the Waikato economy.
Te anga whakamua | The future
New technologies means new opportunities to develop our workforce.
Te Ao Māori
Complete a stocktake of existing or planned iwi/Māori led local workforce programmes.
Climate adaptation
Work with stakeholders to research what the key regional implications of climate change are and how climate adaptation will impact Waikato businesses and workforce.
Our Waikato workforce
Co-design, with local youth, community providers, employers and iwi/Māori, a shared framework for measuring the quality and impact of education to employment support services.
Partner with lead agencies to make sure programmes like Apprenticeship Support, FlexiWage, Mana in Mahi and Skills for Industry are being fully realised in sub-regional communities across the Waikato.
Our Waikato workforce
Identify industries/employers in target priority industries across the Waikato that have workforces most impacted by Industry 4.0 and need support with the transitioning from manual skills to Industry 4.0 relevant digital skills; and develop programmes to support upskilling.
Consider the findings from the Diversity Works/ Construction Accord 'Diversity Roadmap' project and Waihanga Ara Hau 'Equity in Industry' workforce plan and identify actions and delivery mechanisms for the Waikato.
Support the creation of flexible learning environments to encourage part-time on-the-job and off-the-job learning.
Increase the provision and accessibility of drivers licensing services across Waikato.
Healthy communities
Advocate to remove barriers and fast-tracking in the health sector with a focus on local and migrant training. Promote for employer skill needs to be met in the health sector, especially in Kaiāwhina roles.
Digital capability & the future of work
Identify industry-led existing programmes, including those that support employers to be 'better employers', that will be most impactful for attracting, training and retaining workers across the Waikato, and advocate for prioritised delivery into sub-regions.
Primary industry
Establish the 'Waikato Futures Academy' that supports both current and future skills needs of the primary industries and added value manufacturing sectors, including Agritech, Biotech, Agribusiness, Environmental and Future Foods capabilities.
Manufacturing & engineering
Develop a pilot "Tuakana teina" reciprocal skills transfer programme to support years of work experience, practical skills and sector knowledge transfer from older/retiring workers to new/youth workers; and digital and ICT skills from younger workers to older workers.
Construction & infrastructure
Advocate for increased support for Te Waharoa - Gateway to the Trades programme and explore potential to extend the model to other iwi / industries in the Waikato region.
Freight & logistics
Support 'Road to Success Programme' for the Waikato region which focuses on growing the pipeline of truck drivers, including exploring opportunities to increase the pipeline of female drivers.