Our organisational strategy

Since 2020, our organisational strategy, Te Ara Amiorangi, has informed the way we work.

Te Ara refers to a pathway and Amiorangi to a celestial navigation point used by ancestors. Together, they capture our aspirations for the strategy as a tool that helps us successfully navigate for the future and grow Aotearoa New Zealand for all.

Our outcomes, which are the foundation of Te Ara Amiorangi, detail our contribution to making Aotearoa New Zealand a better place. They form the framework for this annual report. Our collective focus areas highlight MBIE’s collective priorities. They guide our thinking, efforts and intentions on what matters, and encourage a more purposeful and collective approach. Our capability priorities identify the environments, skills and resources we need to improve or develop to build and strengthen MBIE, so we can carry out our focus areas and deliver our intended outcomes.

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