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Corporate publications
Annual reports – Ngā pūrongo ā-tau
Annual report 2018/19 – Pūrongo ā-tau 2018/19
Our year at a glance
- Annual reports – Ngā pūrongo ā-tau
Our year at a glance
Our people and organisation
The motivation, resilience and commitment of our workforce:
- Over 4,700 people (4,326 onshore and 403 offshore)
- We are responsible for 106 acts and administer 14 portfolios across 9 Ministers
- Over 15,000 requests for information from Parliament and the public
- 46 offices within New Zealand
- We work in partnership with 25 Crown entities
Working for New Zealand
The work we do to support New Zealand:
- 116 grants to local communities to better manage tourism growth
- Over 2,000,000 customer contacts handled across 40 different subjects by our integrated service centre
- More than 54,000 companies registered
- 4,601 employment mediations completed
- 30,331 Tenancy Tribunal applications lodged
- 3,445 digital security reports made to CERT NZ
Our finances
The amount of money we receive from the Crown and from providing services to our customers:
- $838 million departmental revenue
- $814 million departmental operating expenditure and $74 million of capital spend
- 68 departmental and 114 non-departmental appropriations
- $4.3 billion non-departmental operating expenditure
- 15 memorandum accounts
- 9 off-balance sheet trusts
Our social connections

The connections we have to support regional development and economic performance:
- 75% of New Zealanders can access ultra-fast broadband
- Resettled 1,007 mandated refugees in New Zealand
- $855,525,007 of Provincial Growth funding invested in projects to boost the economies of regional New Zealand through the Provincial Development Unit process (Note, other agencies also administer parts of the Provincial Growth Fund)
- 4 interns were sent to NASA under MBIE’s NZ Space Scholarship programme
- 1,005,962 immigration visa applications involving 1,967,024 people were decided
Our environment
The supporting role we have in the sustainable management of our natural resources:
- 552 attendees at the Just Transition Summit
- 90 new Plant Variety Rights granted
- $2 million in unpaid minerals royalties, fees and levies recovered
- 4 charges for minerals royalties fraud were laid at court
- 939 minerals permits actively managed
- 84% of electricity generation derived from renewable sources (up from 82% in 2017)
Our stewardship
The commitment to providing fair markets and strong regulatory systems:
- Conducted over 700 surveillance activities on accredited persons who verify and certify weighing and measuring instruments
- 25,000 Licensed Building Practitioners
- 599 employment standards investigations completed
- 4,620 people across central and local government enrolled in G-REG qualifications
- Prevented 3,269 people from boarding aircraft for New Zealand due to immigration concerns
- $362 million Criminal Proceeds assets under management
- Managed a $333 million cross-government property management portfolio